Honda paint

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by dbaron, Jun 13, 2004.

  1. dbaron

    dbaron Guest

    Not too long ago my car was struck in the parking lot. The car received
    minor damage to the rear wheel well, but enough to bend some metal and
    expose it. The paint basically could not hold itself together and now I have
    a small amount of rust developing. I've been treating it with some clear
    nail polish to keep it from causing anymore rust, but my questions has to do
    with the paint. I read somewhere that the metal body is primed before it is
    painted, but I don't see any primer in the damaged area. Is this something I
    should be concerned about?

    The only reason why I'm questioning this is that my car was also struck with
    a paint ball (damn hooligans) and it left some primer exposed on the rear


    dbaron, Jun 13, 2004
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