Honda parts

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Brad Taylor, Jun 27, 2005.

  1. Brad Taylor

    Brad Taylor Guest

    Has Honda started using inferior parts? Last summer, Honda replaced the
    shaft from the transmission to the left front wheel because the boot was
    broken. A few days ago this just disintegrated. The car, a 1984 Civic
    hatchback Dx, has only 60,000 miles on it. It was my mothers car and driven
    very gently, except when I blew the bugs out on the freeway. I feel like
    I'm driving a go-cart compared to my truck. Anyway, the last major repair
    she had them do has resulted in everything coming undone or failing since
    last summer. This axle was the last item to break. I'm considering writing
    Honda Corporation a very nasty letter. The Honda dealership doesn't touch
    this car anymore. Thank you.
    Brad Taylor, Jun 27, 2005
  2. Brad Taylor

    duckbill Guest

    You brought up a good point Brad. I have seen several dealerships use
    non-OEM parts, charge OEM prices, and nobody be the wiser. Dealerships
    don't stock many parts for the older cars and if they can have the Generic
    Auto Parts store deliver the part, they do it. You can't assume your
    getting the real thing. Go to almost any dealership and watch the non-OEM
    deliveries. Their response might be we wanted to get the car back to the
    customer quickly. Also, there should be a minimum 1 year warranty on your
    repairs. I would take it face to face (not phone) to the the dealer's
    General Manager. He will invite the service manager. Honda has a very
    strong reputation to maintain. Good Luck.
    duckbill, Jun 27, 2005
  3. Brad Taylor

    Woody Guest

    Why don't you just call Honda Customer Service.
    Woody, Jun 27, 2005
  4. Brad Taylor

    Brad Taylor Guest

    At the dealership? Is there a national customer service?
    Brad Taylor, Jun 29, 2005
  5. Brad Taylor

    Eric Guest
    Eric, Jun 29, 2005
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