Honda Pilot AWD VTM

Discussion in 'Pilot' started by GYT, Mar 20, 2006.

  1. GYT

    GYT Guest

    Honda All Wheel Drive AWD VTM

    First of all let me just say that I am not a poster child for Honda. I have
    a 2005 Honda pilot with all wheel drive. The two main factors for me
    purchasing this vehicle were safety and resale value. The pilot has
    excellent crash numbers and several safety features that I really like. One
    of the biggest ones is the tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS). The other
    biggie is the all wheel drive system. This weekend it rained really heavily.
    Many times (when no cars were around or in an empty parking lot) I purposely
    put the vehicle in situations where it should have spun out or completely
    lost control. It just would not lose control. I'm telling you that I really
    tried to make it lose control but I was completely unsuccessful. Full
    throttle starts in the rain are a thing of beauty. Although I have not
    tried, I feel certain that from a traffic light in the rain, I can leave/out
    run any non all wheel drive vehicle made. This of course is not the point of
    the all wheel drive system. I don't believe a person could lose control of
    the vehicle while driving normally unless they were possibly on very slick
    ice or snow which I have not had a chance to test as it never snows where I
    am located.

    I have also tested the pilot all wheel drive in some mud. The vehicle was
    only a week or so old when I pulled into a new subdivision under
    construction. What I thought was a dirt was really mud. As I pulled into it,
    I could feel the vehicle sinking down two or three inches into the mud. I
    started to worry because the shortest distance out was the way I had just
    come and I did know if locking the VTM would work in reverse. Well
    fortunately it did work in reverse and pulled me out pretty as you please.
    After I got back on dry pavement, mud was slinging off of the vehicle for a
    half mile down the street.

    Another off-road adventure involved another new subdivision under
    construction but this time it was just loose dirt. The Pilot went through
    everything just fine and even went up a short 40 to 45 degree hill of grass.
    Now I'm not gonna sit here and tell you that this is a bonafide off-road
    vehicle but it will certainly handle any off-road conditions that I am man
    enough to attempt.

    Hopefully this will help anybody that is wondering about the off-road
    ability of the Honda Pilot.

    A few other matters of note that might interest some are the following:

    The air-conditioning system while overly complicated works very well.
    There's an air conditioner in the front and also one in the back for my
    puppy. I live in Dallas, Texas which can easily reach over 100 degrees in
    the hottest part of the summer. I purposely chose white, the coolest color
    and have my front windows tinted with legal window tint. I also have an
    inexpensive oscillating 12 volt fan in the back for my puppy. This setup
    appears to work very well. General advice for anybody living in a hot
    climate is not to buy a dark colored vehicle.

    One major gripe I have about this vehicle is this. If you turn on the
    interior light manually, and forget to turn it off, you will be rewarded
    with a dead battery when you come back out. After the second occurrence of
    this, I purchased and always keep in the vehicle a portable jump-starter.
    Now when this happens it is just a minor inconvenience but I really wish
    Honda had spent the 50¢ for the circuit that shuts off the lights or any
    other battery drain to keep this from happening.

    Another smaller gripe that I have that Honda has rectified is the leather
    seats. About the third time you sit on them they become bunched up in the
    center and look horrible. Honda has gone to a different setup on the 2006
    models. The 2006 models also have the side curtain airbags which is a major
    safety enhancement for the Pilot. The 2005 Pilot has front and side airbags
    but the side curtain airbags extend the full length of the vehicle's

    Didn't mean to be so long winded but couldn't find any similar information
    when I was looking for it before I purchased my Pilot. Hopefully this will
    help someone out.

    Good luck!
    GYT, Mar 20, 2006
  2. You can replace the interior lights with LEDs which will help prevent the
    dead battery issue. Go to for more info.
    Search the forums for "led". There are several threads about it.
    Mike Iglesias, Mar 21, 2006
  3. GYT

    tww Guest

    We were sold on the Pilot in 2003 because of stability, handling and
    traction. All that was available then was the AWD system -- no 2WD. The
    salesman took me to a deserted parking lot where he instucted me to turn the
    steering wheel to full lock and floor the accelerator. I did so and found
    that that Pilot tracked very nicely and level with no loss of control.
    Similarly, we did the full acceleration and panic stop with no wheel spin or
    lock. When replaced the OEM tires with Bridgestone Alenzas, the vehicle
    improved even more.
    tww, Mar 21, 2006
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