honda portable generator question

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by jerry, Oct 19, 2008.

  1. jerry

    jerry Guest

    The manual with my generator goes thru how to prep the unit
    for storage. One item is to loosen a screw under the carb,
    pull plug wire, and crank it to force out the remaining fuel
    in the lines and carb. (all this after emptying the fuel tank).

    My question is: what is wrong with just letting the beast
    run out of fuel and stop? They don't mention that
    possibility in the manual. Thanks for opinions (and surely
    some flames from the shutins).
    jerry, Oct 19, 2008
  2. jerry

    shak Guest

    I don't think anything is wrong with your approach to run it out of
    gas. I guess it depends on how long you are going to let it sit idle.
    Draining the bowl will remove any condensation and sediment that tends
    to collect in the bottom of the bowl, which is probably why its
    recommended at storage time. If you run it out of gas first, then
    there won't be any fuel in the bowl to carry the sediment and water
    out the drain. An additional step is to use a product called "Storage
    Seal" or similar products on the market.These spray lubes are rust
    inhibitor that keeps internal engine parts lubed during storage.
    Again, it depends on how long the engine is going to be idle. One
    thing that seems to be universally accepted though is to get the old
    gas out of the system if it is going to sit more than a couple of
    months. Kev
    shak, Nov 28, 2008
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