Honda Power Steering Fluid

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Kofi Anim-Appiah, Aug 6, 2005.

  1. My PS fluid needs topping off. Is this something special I *must* get from
    the dealer or can I just top-off with generic DOT3 from Autozone etc? The PS
    fluid reservoir cap says to use only genuine Honda PS fluid for top-off,
    though. What's the consensus? I've used generic in my Toyota for years - no

    Kofi Anim-Appiah, Aug 6, 2005
  2. Use the right's cheap insurance.
    Steve Bigelow, Aug 6, 2005
  3. Kofi Anim-Appiah

    motsco_ _ Guest


    If you put DOT 3 in there you'll probably destroy the system in about
    two minutes. DOT 3 is BRAKE fluid. It strips paint. You need a little
    bottle of HONDA power steering fluid.

    motsco_ _, Aug 6, 2005
  4. Kofi Anim-Appiah

    L Alpert Guest

    Are the specifications for Honda PS fluid any different than OTS?
    L Alpert, Aug 6, 2005
  5. Oops,
    getting my fluids mixed up. I meant generic PS fluid - not DOT3 brake fluid.

    Kofi Anim-Appiah, Aug 6, 2005
  6. Kofi Anim-Appiah

    John Horner Guest

    Honda PS fluid is different from normal PS fluid. Of course no PS fluid
    is "DOT3", DOT3 is Brake Fluid.

    Many REAL auto parts stores carry Honda Specific PS fluid. I bought
    some at the local NAPA Auto Parts. Certainly use the Honda specific
    stuff by getting it at a dealer or an auto parts store.

    Autozone, Kragen, etc. are not REAL auto parts stores in my book.

    John Horner, Aug 6, 2005
  7. Kofi Anim-Appiah

    Eric Guest

    Using generic power steering fluid, essentially, anything other than
    Honda's, will cause the seals in the power steering rack to leak. So,
    unless you like giving your mechanic a lot of money, don't do this. Use
    Honda fluid.

    An interesting side note here is why should your system need topping off in
    the first place? Is the rack or some other component already leaking? How
    long have you owned your car? Maybe a prior owner or unknowledgeable
    service tech has already put in the wrong fluid? It sounds like you may
    need to go over your power steering sytem carefully and make sure it's ok.
    Note that one potential source for leaks is the front seal on the pump.
    These seals can usually be replaced depending on the year and model.

    Eric, Aug 7, 2005
  8. I haven't found the source of the leak but I haven't looked hard - I've
    owned the car for 5 1/2 years. I'm actually just noticing the level of the
    PS fluid - perhaps it's always been at the 'low' mark in the reservoir ever
    since I bought the car (used). The PS pump seems easy to get to so I'll take
    a better look at it.

    Thanks much for the comments.
    Kofi Anim-Appiah, Aug 7, 2005
  9. Kofi Anim-Appiah

    Eric Guest

    By the way, what year and model is this Honda?
    Eric, Aug 7, 2005
  10. Kofi Anim-Appiah

    motsco_ _ Guest


    It HAS TO SAY 'SUITABLE FOR HONDA' ON THE BOTTLE or you'll trash your
    power steering. Read the FINE manual that came with your car.

    motsco_ _, Aug 8, 2005
  11. Kofi Anim-Appiah

    L Alpert Guest

    Is there a published specification to show why Honda would need a different
    PS fluid from Toyota or Ford, or at least a comparative specification
    between "suitable for Honda" grades and "others" (things like inherent
    viscosity, temperature ratings, included detergents or other additives,
    L Alpert, Aug 9, 2005
  12. None that I've found, and I've looked.
    More than a few anecdotal reports of bad things happening when it is NOT
    used, however, is enough to get me to dealer for the real deal.
    I sleep better that way.

    Steve Bigelow, Aug 9, 2005
  13. Kofi Anim-Appiah

    L Alpert Guest

    Just a matter of principle. In the overall scheme of things, the cost
    difference is rather insignificant between grades.
    L Alpert, Aug 10, 2005
  14. Kofi Anim-Appiah

    hondaman Guest

    Walmart sells a brand of Honda power steering fluid called Bardahl and it's
    really good quality. It costs the same as the Autozone generic brand
    Coastal. The Bardahl brand sold at Walmart is better.

    hondaman, Aug 27, 2005
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