Honda SRS light

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by ckr, Feb 23, 2006.

  1. ckr

    ckr Guest


    I am having Honda Civic 2001, I noticed that SRS light is ON since
    three days. It's a second time that light started apperaing on

    Last time I got the same problem, I called the Honda Dealer and they
    said it costs $135 for diagnosis and they will give estimate how much
    cost more.

    Meanwhile I checked with one of local Honda certified repairer and he
    said he can reset the light for $40. He also said, I will reset the
    light and if the light not appears again in next few days, you are fine
    otherwise you should take the car to the dealer. I agreed and he reset
    the light. This all happend on Oct 2005. After 5 months agin light ON.
    Any advice?

    One more thing, my two yrs son always throw papers and toys under
    seats? This would be the cause? What are your advice, I need to see the
    dealer now?

    Waiting for experts comments.

    ckr, Feb 23, 2006
  2. ckr

    Woody Guest

    The only way to tell what the problem is is to have the codes read from the
    computer. There are sensors all over the card that could cause it. Yes
    throwing things under the seat could brake wires and push plugs apart.
    Woody, Feb 23, 2006
  3. I'd probably get someone to read the code and find out what the SRS
    system's thinking. It's not unheard of for people to have the airbags go
    off in their faces while driving down the road. If you're driving along
    at 60 mph, and the bag does off, you're likely to crash. $135 sounds
    pretty cheap to me for peace of mind.

    I worked on a court case once where an air bag went off and caused a
    crash. The crash killed the driver.

    Air bags are two explosive devices placed close to your body. You don't
    want them going off unless you need them. I've worked on my own airbags
    and it scares me to be close to them. I followed the procedures in the
    manual to the letter.
    Dufus Systems, Feb 23, 2006
  4. ckr

    Stan Dupp Guest

    See if this helps >
    Look under General Information > How to reset the SRS light.
    Stan Dupp, Feb 23, 2006
  5. ckr

    ckr Guest

    All experts!,

    Thanks for your valuable comments. I will take car to Honda dealer
    and let them troubleshoot this symptom.
    I will update you after hear from them.

    Thanks again for Woody, Dufus and Stan for quick responses.

    ckr, Feb 23, 2006
  6. ckr

    CKR Guest

    Here is the update:

    Honda team did the diagnosis on SRS system and found the cause. SRS
    light was ON due to problem with driver's seat belt.
    SRS system doesn't recognizing that driver's seat belt. Honda intially
    estimated $125 for diagnosis. But they did totally free and replaced
    the seat belt. Seat belts are on life time warranty.

    Thanks to all for your responses.

    CKR, Feb 28, 2006
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