HONDA Te koop

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Jules Jacomen, Jun 4, 2004.

  1. Wegens knieblessure moeilijke instap in HONDA Accord Coupé 2.0 Benzine
    Full Option (Zilver grijs metaalkleur - Lederen verwarmde zetels - AC -
    Cruise control - ABS - verwarmde spiegels - Radio CD - Onderhoudsboekje - 4
    winterbanden zonder velg - 138.500 Km. - diefstal beveiliging - Centrale
    vergrendeling - electrisch bediende zijramen ) - Omgeving Tervuren
    Prijs 7.500 EURO
    Jules Jacomen, Jun 4, 2004
  2. Jules Jacomen

    JC Guest

    Funny. even in Swedish or whatever Germanic language that is, the important
    things come through crystal clear - ABS, Cruise, AC and
    JC, Jun 6, 2004
  3. It's Dutch,and Swedish is not a Germanic language.
    Ernest Cassirer, Jun 6, 2004
  4. Jules Jacomen

    JC Guest

    Sorry to have chosen the wrong one, but yes, Swedish is a Germanic language:
    JC, Jun 6, 2004
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