Honda Timiing Belt Question

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Ivan Vegvary, Nov 15, 2005.

  1. Ivan Vegvary

    Ivan Vegvary Guest

    '94 Honda Accord Station Wagon. Currently 120,000 miles.
    Owner's manual states that the timing belt should be replaced at 140,000
    miles. Then, through a subscript, it says "Recommended Only"

    What is the meaning of this phrase (Recommended Only). Seriously,
    everything in the maintenance schedule is a "recommendation", in my opinion.

    Is this really a fabric belt that "must" be replaced before it breaks, or,
    is it a metal chain that stretches and is "recommended" to be replaced when
    the automatic tensioner is beyond function due to excessive stretch.

    All comments appreciated.

    Needless to say, the local mechanic claims that the belt should have been
    replaced at 60k miles and every 60k miles thereafter.

    Ivan Vegvary
    Ivan Vegvary, Nov 15, 2005
  2. Ivan Vegvary

    jim beam Guest

    it's replace at 140k KILOMETERS not miles. you're overdue by 30k.
    yeah, it's only a recommendation, but one that can save you upwards of
    $2k. your call on the economics of deferral.
    it's a fiber reinforced toothed rubber belt. it doesn't stretch, it
    just fatigues & breaks.
    !!! you'll get a few more than me i'm sure.
    60k miles is premature unless using inferior aftermarket parts.
    jim beam, Nov 15, 2005
  3. --------------------------

    You're overdue by about 5 years. TIME is just as important as mileage.

    Start carrying a Peach basket in the back of your station wagon . .

    'Curly Q. Links', Nov 15, 2005
  4. If the "peach-basket" implies that the owner has to pick up his engine
    parts off half a mile of road and bring them into the shop in a peach
    basket, that is untrue. I've broken my Honda timing belts once. The
    only time I had to go collect my parts on the road is when the parts
    remain useful. I lost a connecting rod caps and bearings once - didn't
    bother to retrieve them because each part traveled 50-ft per second and
    DISAPPEARED in my rear view mirror.

    Here's a Nantucket Peach Basket and a one for only 99 pennies at ebay!
    Ricky Spartacus, Nov 15, 2005
  5. Ivan Vegvary

    Ivan Vegvary Guest

    Thanks for the replies, everybody!!
    Guess I'll be tearing into that timing belt real soon.

    Ivan Vegvary
    Ivan Vegvary, Nov 16, 2005
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