Honda VR-V lock problem

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Zadig Galbaras, Mar 18, 2008.

  1. hi...

    My Honda CR-V 98-model is acting very peculiar these days
    After I have unlocked the car with my remote, the lock keep making these
    clicking sounds as if they are trying to lock the doors again but can't make
    very annoying...
    I can see the locking pins in all doors move too...

    Is it dust or....?


    Zadig Galbaras
    Zadig Galbaras, Mar 18, 2008
  2. Zadig Galbaras

    motsco_ Guest


    It's usually the switch in the actuator that's not telling the module
    that the door has successfully unlocked. I'd start with the cheapest
    solution and work your way up. Get a small blue spray can of LockEase
    graphite and hose all five locks (since they've probably never been done
    anyway) to see if things improve. You have to stick the tiny spraying
    tube way inside the locks because the first 3/8" of the door locks is
    hollow. If that doesn't help, check back.

    motsco_, Mar 18, 2008
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