Hondas ain't what they used to be...

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by mindfulnessnow, Jun 29, 2008.

  1. I still think Honda is a good car, don't get me wrong...
    I bought mine new in 07 and overall I am satisfied with it, BUT I want
    to warn people that they ain't quite the "greatest thing" that they
    used to be. (But what is? right?)

    Well, my biggest complaint and the reason for writing this is the

    Remember when Civics were known for great mileage? Part of the reason
    I bought the Civic was because I wanted to save on gas. And the window
    sticker said something like 27mpg. But what I am getting is 21mpg,
    yes, in town, I don't do that much freeway or highway driving. Very
    disappointing to me, especially now in this gas crisis. So the point
    of this post, mainly is, if you are looking for gas mileage, a Civic
    ain't the way to go any more.

    What Civic does have, and why I bought it, is the best safety features
    of a lower priced economy car: side and curtain airbags on both sides
    as well as the front airbags and was rated the highest or among the
    highest (I forget which) for safety at Consumer Reports.

    Now, what else don't I like about my Civic?
    1) It's just too damned big. And that may well account for the lack of
    good mileage. With my old Hyundai Accent I could get in and out of my
    apartment garage with ease. With this thing I have already scratched
    both rear side panels because a) it's so big and b) it's designed such
    that it gives you the illusion you are not as close as you really are
    to things. I'm an excellent driver with 38 years experience under my
    belt but this car, I swear, I just can't get a feel for where the rear
    bumper and sides are. Something about the way they designed it. Also
    part of this is that it has a terrible rear view from the rear view
    mirror. It just does not give you a good view - or "feel" - for the
    boundaries of the car, and it's much more difficult to see everything
    via the rear view mirror than most other cars I've driven.
    2) Within the first 6 months I had to take it in because the automatic
    gear shifter jammed up on me; it would not go into any gear. After
    much messing with it I got it to go (I had to get to work!) and then I
    called and found out about the little trick of placing a screwdriver
    in the hole they put by the gear shifter for just this purpose.
    3) It's already been recalled, for a problem with the brake lights. I
    remember when Hondas were almost never part of recalls.

    So I'm not saying don't buy a Honda. In fact, I would rate it as about
    an 8 on a 10 scale. Quite frankly for ease of driving I liked my
    Hyundai Accent much better. Where this Civic excels is in comfort.
    It's much more comfortable than my Hyundai was. But the Hyundai was
    just as reliable and I owned it for 10 years and put about 70k miles
    on it (Yes, I am a low mileage driver! I live near my work and don't
    travel a lot.)

    All I'm saying is that this Honda wasn't what I thought it was,
    especially in terms of mileage and ease of driving (rear view
    problems, "sense of boundaries"...), and now a recall on top of it.

    So while I can still recommend Honda, I can't quite recommend them as
    resoundingly as I did before, particularly as it pertains to the
    mindfulnessnow, Jun 29, 2008
  2. You coulda had a Fit.

    If you go back and research, you'll see that today's Civic is bigger
    than a mid-80s Accord. Bloat, bloat, bloat.

    And today's Accord is probably the size of a Maxima, or even bigger.

    The Fit is what the Civic was, and fills that slot in the market.
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Jun 29, 2008
  3. mindfulnessnow

    rick++ Guest

    The new models are no longer compact cars, but intermediate.
    I saw they were lists as 29/33 mileage.
    My 2004 averages 33 year round, up to 40 on highway.
    rick++, Jun 29, 2008
  4. mindfulnessnow

    tww1491 Guest

    I bought an 08 Ex sedan auto as an alterntative for my wife to drive instead
    of her 03 Pilot. Got 32 on urban/hwy driving for the 1st tank. Of course,
    until it gets thorougly broken in I don't expect the mileage to be where
    ought to be. As for the Pilot -- we kept it since the best trade offer was
    $8500. Given that the car has only 75k miles I could not see giving it away.
    tww1491, Jun 29, 2008
  5. mindfulnessnow

    L Alpert Guest

    I get more than that with my 04 V6 Accord (22-23 'round town, 29-30
    L Alpert, Jun 29, 2008
  6. mindfulnessnow

    Truckdude Guest

    Agreed. If someone wants a little Honda, then they need to go with the Fit.
    To me it seems like the Civic is the size that the Accord used to be. And
    now the Accord is huge. My wife's Accord and my Fit are about all our
    garage can handle.
    Truckdude, Jul 1, 2008
  7. mindfulnessnow

    Steven L. Guest

    I owned a 1986 Accord 2-door hatchback, and today's Civics seem to me to
    be as big as my old 1986 Accord:
    Steven L., Jul 4, 2008
  8. mindfulnessnow

    JXStern Guest

    They were smaller.

    They weighed 1000 pounds less.

    They accelerated more slowly.

    The Fit is slightly smaller, but is still very heavy and has more
    power than a mileage-maker should.

    Heavy is a cheap and easy way to get safety and quietness, but I am
    ashamed that Honda isn't leading in the race to get the same safety
    and quietness with high tech materials, instead. Of course, nobody
    else is leading, either. But it's darned odd, I'll bet they could
    sell a lot of 1979 Civics if they just started building them again!

    JXStern, Jul 4, 2008
  9. mindfulnessnow

    Truckdude Guest

    Do you own one?
    Truckdude, Jul 5, 2008

  10. Yes in my case, (Gen 2 Civics). I have an '82 and '83 and just located
    another '83 automatic and '81. All are hatchbacks.

    I may go into the Honda biz...


    (Whose '83 averages 40+ mpg in mixed driving)
    Grumpy AuContraire, Jul 5, 2008
  11. mindfulnessnow

    JXStern Guest


    JXStern, Jul 6, 2008
  12. mindfulnessnow

    Torpeau Guest

    I'm a little disappointed in my wife's '07 4D Civic. I've bought more
    Hondas than any other brand -- a yellow '76 Civic 5 spd was my first.

    I bought my wife a Civic because all the car magazines and Consumer
    Reports gave it such glowing reviews -- and my past Honda experience.

    Road noise is excessive and that horn wouldn't be adequate on a
    bicycle. I don't regret the purchase, but they should have done a
    little better.
    Torpeau, Jul 10, 2008
  13. mindfulnessnow

    muzzy Guest

    Exactly true on the horn. Think they got a heckofa deal
    on a couple hundred thousand toy horns?
    muzzy, Jul 11, 2008
  14. I guess I just didn't realize how MUCH BIGGER the new Civics are than
    the Civics of old, and this of course plays a major part in their
    downright LOUSY MILEAGE. If I had known I could have gotten a Hybrid
    for not too much more I'd have bought one. Also, had I known regular
    gas was going to go to $4.65/gallon here in California...

    Anyway, not only does the new Civic get lousy mileage in town, it also
    is harder to drive (see my original post).

    I took it on its first long distance drive, though, a few weeks ago
    and I got around 32mpg on the highway which was nice, and I loved the
    cruise control (1st time using it). The ride was very comfortable and
    the a.c. worked great even in 100+ degree weather, going up hills and
    such. In short, the car was great for a road trip!

    I just wish I'd have bought a hybrid, and I wish they'd have made it
    just a little smaller, not too small - to me, the Fit is way TOO
    small! - but just more like the Civic's of a few years ago.
    mindfulnessnow, Jul 22, 2008
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