Honda's new oil change interval

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by nick, Aug 30, 2008.

  1. nick

    nick Guest

    Not sure if anyone has posted this but I just wanted to make the group
    aware that with the new MM system, if you take your car to the dealer,
    the dealer is not obligated to replace the filter on the A1 changes,
    just the B1 changes. It's part of Honda's ecco-friendly image.

    I can't think that going 15k miles without changing the oil filter can
    be good for the engine. While I do my own oil changes I thought I
    would mention it to the group and find out from your repair shop the
    next time you get it done.
    nick, Aug 30, 2008
  2. I imagine the dealer is obligated--at the very least, happy--to do
    whatever extra services you ask for.

    That Honda doesn't specify the filter be changed is merely a checkmark
    in the comparison charts that Honda uses for marketing purposes.

    Under the maintenance minder, Honda doesn't specify a mileage for
    changing your oil. But the dealer will be happy to do it ever 3000
    miles for you if that's what you want.

    This is amusing. We've now moved the argument away from "it can't be
    good to wait (insert miles here) to change the oil" and have moved on to
    "it can't be good to wait (insert miles here) to change the filter".

    Just as people have decided to ignore the maintenance minder for oil
    changes and do it on their own schedule, they're free to do so for the
    filter, too.
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Aug 30, 2008
  3. nick

    News Guest

    Most dealers will anything as frequently as you don't want, and have no
    need for! They promote revenue maximization intervals.
    News, Aug 30, 2008
  4. nick

    tww1491 Guest

    As I recall, BMW calls for oil service at 15k on its cars.
    tww1491, Aug 30, 2008
  5. nick

    tww1491 Guest

    As I recall, BMW calls for oil service at 15k on its cars.
    tww1491, Aug 30, 2008
  6. nick

    SMS Guest

    The fact is that the filter is just fine for two oil changes. This used
    to be the norm back in the olden days of 3000 mile oil changes, when a
    filter cost was much higher than the cost of the oil, and many more
    people did their own oil changes. An older filter won't let any more
    dirt through, but the flow rate will be very slightly reduced.

    I think most people change the filter at every oil change just because
    the cost of doing so is so low, but it's not necessary and provides no
    benefit. There's also the issue that the filter is holding some dirty
    oil, but it's a lot less these days with the small filters than it was
    back in the days of the huge filters.

    Just be sure to use genuine Honda filters, and not an after-market
    filter, since the construction quality of most after-market filters is
    abysmal (especially the orange ones, but I won't name names). My
    mechanic keeps a stock of Honda filters even though he pays 3x the
    price of the jobber filters ($3 versus $1).

    When Honda first started using 5W20 oil he couldn't get it from his oil
    distributor so he was buying it from the dealer, which was very
    expensive, even at the discounted price that they sell parts to
    independent garages. The parts guy at the Honda dealer told him that the
    dealer's service department didn't even use the 5W20, they used 5W30
    because it was cheaper. The independent shops have to be careful about
    not using the wrong oil since if there's an engine problem down the road
    they could have customers blaming them based on using the wrong oil
    SMS, Aug 30, 2008
  7. nick

    jim beam Guest

    have you ever thought of having oil analysis done so that you don't
    /have/ to think? that's what honda did afterall...
    jim beam, Sep 1, 2008
  8. nick

    jim beam Guest

    thats not "most", that's "some". many oil filter brands are just great.
    denso [who are an oem supplier], npn [who are an oem supplier],
    champion labs [who do filters for mobil, bosch, and others.], etc. the
    latter also make house brand filters for woolmort that sell for a
    pittance. some of these after-market filters even have anti-drainback
    valves that work, unlike some domestically sourced honda filters.
    jim beam, Sep 1, 2008
  9. nick

    nick Guest

    So Jim you are telling me that you personally would follow changing it
    every other change? I for one rather spend the extra $5 for a filter
    than $5k for a new engine. Honda just started this back in 2006 for
    their MM cars. Time will tell just how well this recommendation is.
    nick, Sep 2, 2008
  10. nick

    jim beam Guest

    effectively, yes. i'm on a 15+k mile service interval, based on oil
    analysis, and i leave the same oil filter on for all that time.

    modern engine management and modern higher quality oils mean combustion
    product load is less and the oil degrades less quickly, so the longer
    intervals are entirely appropriate.
    jim beam, Sep 2, 2008
  11. nick

    ACAR Guest

    and those canister oil filters were HUGE. At least twice the size of
    today's normal oil filter, probably 3 times the size of a Honda
    filter. Sure, the filtering media was kinda like my furnace filter but
    that was then.

    , when a
    If the engine was clean to begin with...
    the oil circulating thru the filter isn't any more dirty than the oil
    circulating thru the engine. Oil filter media traps what dirt it can,
    the rest circulates.

    A huge filter with the same media as a small filter will provide
    better flow over time (smaller filter gets clogged faster) if
    everything else is similar. Many quality after market filters are
    larger than OEM.
    the after-market is not only Fram, there's lots of quality stuff
    available. You are kidding yourself about Honda oil filter quality.
    if you think 5W20 comes out of an engine after 7500 miles still
    meeting 5W20 specs, you should spend a little time reading oil
    analysis reports at 5W20 and 5W30 may be

    has anyone heard of a warranty claim being denied due to 5W30 use
    instead of 5W20? all the oil related warranty issues I'm aware of have
    been over oil change interval or owner neglect (oil level).
    ACAR, Sep 6, 2008
  12. nick

    Tegger Guest

    And you're not? Evidence, please.

    And I don't mean the sort of evidence that results from some Texas Prelude
    idiot named Todd cutting filters open and passing judgement based on the
    visual appeal of the entrails he finds therein.
    Tegger, Sep 6, 2008
  13. nick

    jim beam Guest

    physical size doesn't mean much. more important is the filter medium
    quality and its surface area.

    that doesn't mean much.

    that's kinda sorta true, but over simplifies and somewhat
    mischaracterizes the truth. yes, "the rest circulates", but those
    particles that get through a healthy filter are too small to be of

    untrue. what matters is the filter medium area. and even that is not
    as important as the medium quality. a large can with a small medium
    area and low medium quality is going to be worse than a small can with
    the opposite internals.

    depends on medium area and quality.

    for a honda? no way.

    on that we agree. every honda filter i've used in years has had crummy
    anti-drainback performance - it's almost totally ineffective.

    my last oil analysis had 5w-30 coming out as 5w-30 after 12k miles...
    jim beam, Sep 6, 2008
  14. nick

    johngdole Guest

    In the old days it used to a filter every other oil change. So looks
    like we're heading back again. No problems with that except filter
    particle loading. It might have been better if Honda went with
    cartridge style elements like on European cars -- less landfill

    Mercedes, using oil monitor info, goes up to 20K miles, nominal 18K
    miles; BMW up to 15K miles; VW/Audi up to 10K miles. Honda/GM up to
    12K miles (w/ monitor). All Toyota/Lexus up to 5000 miles (!).
    johngdole, Sep 7, 2008
  15. nick

    johngdole Guest

    In the old days it used to a filter every other oil change. So looks
    like we're heading back again. No problems with that except filter
    particle loading. It might have been better if Honda went with
    cartridge style elements like on European cars -- less landfill

    Mercedes, using oil monitor info, goes up to 20K miles, nominal 18K
    miles; BMW up to 15K miles; VW/Audi up to 10K miles. Honda/GM up to
    12K miles (w/ monitor). All Toyota/Lexus up to 5000 miles (!).
    johngdole, Sep 7, 2008
  16. nick

    JXStern Guest

    My local dealer likes to sell you a "minor service $150" for at least
    every other A1 oil-change visit, but at least that includes the
    JXStern, Sep 9, 2008
  17. nick

    JXStern Guest

    My local dealer likes to sell you a "minor service $150" for at least
    every other A1 oil-change visit, but at least that includes the
    JXStern, Sep 9, 2008
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