Hood Pins

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Elle, Aug 12, 2005.

  1. Elle

    Elle Guest

    Has anyone installed these on his/her Honda?

    Any thing I should look out for while installing?

    What manufacturer of hood pins do you like?

    My 91 Civic's hood release lever and cable mechanism have been a pain for
    many years. I am thinking of discarding the whole setup, sacrificing looks
    for easier access to under-the-hood.
    Elle, Aug 12, 2005
  2. Elle

    jim beam Guest

    as a cyclist, i have a significant objection to hood pins. when i
    bounce off the front of your car, now i will not only have the bruises
    of impact, i will have gouges and tears of pin penetration. please just
    fix the mechanism instead. there's quite a lot of adjustment in the
    latch position and the pin height that should alow you to get it working
    right. and replacing the cable is pretty easy once you have the bumper
    & wheel well liner off.
    jim beam, Aug 12, 2005
  3. Elle

    Elle Guest

    I have never heard of an accident such as you describe; there are few
    cyclists in my area; your request is like me asking you not to drive above
    the speed limit.

    It's the hood release lever (in the passenger compartment) that has been the
    Elle, Aug 12, 2005
  4. Elle

    jim beam Guest

    unfortunately, these accidents do occur, just like people with crash
    damaged fenders that have sharp jagged edges... well, you get the picture.

    the hood release lever is easy to fix elle. any junk yards near you?
    jim beam, Aug 13, 2005
  5. Elle

    Elle Guest


    No, I do not.

    When you quit speeding with your car, then we can talk.
    This malady is not easily repaired and is extremely common in Civics my
    vintage. Go to any junkyard. The cable stretches, and a person is back to
    square one.
    Elle, Aug 13, 2005
  6. Elle

    jim beam Guest

    dude, i'm the cyclist, not the idiot driving with metal shards hanging
    off their crashed-but-never-repaired turnip truck.
    sorry, it /is/ easily repaired - i've done it. the handle is easily
    replaced, the cable is easily replaced, and above all, the whole
    shooting match is cheap.

    fyi, the cables don't stretch, not at the tensions seen - the poly
    outers wear, but that's it. don't confuse the fact that the catch is
    designed to operate only at full lever extension with any malfunction.
    jim beam, Aug 13, 2005
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