How can I tell if a civic hybrid is SULEV or ULEV?

Discussion in 'Civic' started by Hasani, Oct 4, 2003.

  1. Hasani

    Hasani Guest
    is the only thing I have about the 2
    Hasani, Oct 4, 2003
  2. Hasani

    Dave Guest

    According to the following CARB link, the Civic Hybrid is "PZEV",
    which is SULEV + no evap emissions + a 15yr/150K emissions
    Dave, Oct 4, 2003
  3. Hasani

    dold Guest

    There is a sticker on the underside of the hood that notes what emissions
    levels your car meets.
    Mine says
    US EPA tier 2 Bin 5 NLEV, ULEV, CFV ULEV
    Calif Level II SULEV
    Mine also has an SULEV sticker in the right rear window.

    Somewhere, I had a note that SULEV is California only, but I'm not sure
    where I picked up that idea.
    dold, Oct 4, 2003
  4. Hasani

    dold Guest

    That's a great site! Hidden well by the state. I hadn't see it before.

    I found the "California-only" quote I was looking for.
    "*AT-PZEV vehicles are SULEV-rated and include zero evaporative emissions.
    Available in California and some northeastern states. California versions
    differ slightly due to emission standards."

    But reading both the driveclean page, and other pages, I don't see
    how the Hybrid is AT-PZEV. This designation, in my reading, applies to a
    vehicle that has a gas engine, so doesn't qualify as Zero emissions, but is
    rated Partial-Zero because it can be driven at emissions free for a 10 mile
    city test cycle. This seems to be aimed toward the Toyota Prius, which
    runs electric-only at low speeds. My Honda doesn't do that.
    The driveclean page mentions a plug-in hybrid, so that one might chose to
    not run the gasoline engine at all. The Honda isn't that, either.

    There are, of course, loopholes. By offering a 15 year/150,000 mile
    warranty, certain vehicles, the Honda Civic Hybrid included, are granted
    an emissions rating that they apparently don't deserve.

    My 2003 Civic wasn't sold with a 15/150,000. I don't know if that's
    retroactive or not. Mine was one of the first SULEV, which has an 11
    gallon steel gas tank instead of the 13 gallon plastic tank in the ULEV
    models. The AT-PZEV ratings first appeared within weeks of my purchase.
    dold, Oct 4, 2003
  5. Hasani

    Hasani Guest

    Thx, the CA site was great but I think it would be just has hard to
    determine the epa status buy the warranty.
    THe under-the-hood & rear right sticker seems much better. Is it possible
    you can take a picture of the 2 stickers and email it to me? juse replace
    the .c0m with .com
    scroll to the bottom of
    "*AT-PZEV vehicles are SULEV-rated and include zero evaporative emissions.
    Available in California and some northeastern states. California versions
    differ slightly due to emission standards." I live in new england, I'm
    trying to find a cheap used civic =) If I can't, it's eithe the $11K prius
    3mi from me or bite my thumb waiting for a hot deal for 3 months.
    Hasani, Oct 4, 2003
  6. Hasani

    Hasani Guest

    more linkage (click on
    "underhood label ID number")
    Hasani, Oct 4, 2003
  7. The Hybrid Civic meets the AT PZEV standard. For one thing, they
    certainly wouldn't be able to advertise it if it weren't so.

    There is no requirement that a vehicle with this designation must be
    able to go "electric only." AT (Advanced Technology) effectively
    means hybrid, natural gas or fuel cell. If the car has one of these
    systems and meets the PZEV standards, it is an AT PZEV. (Also, I
    doubt that a Prius could do a typical 10 mile city cycle without
    gasoline assist.)

    From the driveclean california web site:

    PZEV: Partial Zero Emission Vehicle
    PZEVs meet SULEV tailpipe emission standards, have zero evaporative
    emissions and a 15 year / 150,000 mile warranty. No evaporative
    emissions means that they have fewer emissions while being driven than
    a typical gasoline car has while just sitting.

    AT PZEV: Advanced Technology PZEVs
    AT PZEVs meet the PZEV requirements and have additional "ZEV-like"
    characteristics. A dedicated compressed natural gas vehicle, or a
    hybrid vehicle with engine emissions that meet the PZEV standards
    would be an AT PZEV.
    Gordon McGrew, Oct 4, 2003
  8. Hasani

    dold Guest

    When I first got my Honda, which was before the Civic Hybrid was classified
    as PZEV, the text of the laws indicated that it had to be able to complete
    a city cycle with no emissions. The AT-PZEV designation came later, and
    included the exception for the 15 year/ 150K mile warranty, whcih probably
    makes more sense in terms of clean air.

    There were a lot of changes in the California law, which originally would
    have required a percentage of electric cars from each manufacturer by 2005,
    and at one point was supposed to ban internal combustion cars at some
    point. That concept met reality somewhere.

    Obviously it wouldn't have the AT-PZEV designation if it didn't meet that

    It looks like the only difference between my SULEV car and the AT-PZEV is
    the length of the warranty.
    dold, Oct 5, 2003
  9. Hasani

    dold Guest

    Is that good enough? I could send a phot of my label, if you'd like, but
    if you have the car, I think this page should make it clear enough.

    (They will need more numbers on the chart... The Civic Hybrid is 10/10)
    dold, Oct 5, 2003
  10. And the "zero" evaporative emissions and the requirement for "advanced
    technology" (hybrid, natural gas, fuel cell.) I agree that, of all
    these, the extended warranty probably will have the biggest effect on
    total emissions. (The AT has no effect at all.) Not that it matters
    much when people like Ahnold are buying Hummers.
    Gordon McGrew, Oct 5, 2003
  11. Hasani

    Hasani Guest

    lolz, the thing I do now is question drivers at a stop light when they're in
    a hummer. I ask them if the know the mpg of the tank, and why they bought
    the thing.

    My alternative was the prius and the only difference I could find between
    the 2 was an unglier interior design (the location of gear and display
    readouts, etc) for the prius and all priuses were sulev (good for the
    prius). but ignoring the epa rating, I'd take a civic anyday because the
    interior is better. And after looking at the epa site I won't feel as bad
    choosing the civic over the hybrid.
    Hasani, Oct 5, 2003
  12. Hasani

    dold Guest

    I do have SULEV, which is zero evaporative emissions (a steel 11 gallon
    gas tank instead of the plastic 13 gallons), and it is a hybrid. It is
    a 2003, and some 2003 are rated as AT-PZEV, but mine was built before
    AT-PZEV existed, as nearly as I can tell.

    Not long after I bought my Civic, I walked down to the post office. On the
    way down, I passed a mid-80's Surburban, engine idling. When I came back,
    it was still sitting there, engine idling. The windows were down, so it
    wasn't a question of keeping the A/C on. I thought about the fact that my
    car, which gets 40+mpg anyway, shuts off when I stop. And this Suburban,
    which probably gets 8 on a good day, is sitting there idling for who knows
    how long, for no apparent reason.
    dold, Oct 6, 2003
  13. Hasani

    SoCalMike Guest

    regardless, IIRC it has to be a ZEV to be carpool legal.
    SoCalMike, Oct 6, 2003
  14. Hasani

    SoCalMike Guest

    why they bought the thing?

    its all about the "bling"
    SoCalMike, Oct 6, 2003
  15. Hasani

    SoCalMike Guest

    theyre payin for the gas. should be more expensive :)
    SoCalMike, Oct 6, 2003
  16. Hasani

    Hasani Guest

    well supposedly, a few more alt fuel cars will be coming (in 1 or 2 yrs) out
    fuel cell and gas/electric. ford is supposed to have a hybrid next year.
    hopefully it will be a viable alternative to single/low double digit mpg
    Hasani, Oct 6, 2003
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