how do I check and set timing on a 96 honda accord?

Discussion in 'Accord' started by bones5657, Dec 24, 2005.

  1. bones5657

    bones5657 Guest

    I just put a new timing belt, cap, rotor, plugs and wires. car now
    drives rough, sounds like it is asking for way to much air!. lost a lot
    of power!. I beleive it is the timing. I do not know how to check or
    set the timing, can someone please help?
    bones5657, Dec 24, 2005
  2. bones5657

    Elle Guest

    You sure you didn't install the belt a tooth off?

    For checking the timing, buy a Chilton's manual. Ebay sells
    them at a bargain. Most public libraries have Chilton's for
    1990s Hondas, too.

    Alternatively, you can probably get a good guess at the
    instructions using the following: 's free repair guides (unfortunately, the
    manuals only go up to 1995 models)

    Look for the steps under "tune ups" or "engine electrical"
    or similar. Don't take at face value that the 95 Accord is
    identical to the 96 Accord, though. Chances are they are,
    for the purposes of setting the timing, but it's never a
    good idea to assume. The steps actually look identical to
    those for my 91 Civic, except the service check connector is
    located a bit differently.

    Do you have a timing light?

    I hope all those parts you installed are OEM. :)
    Elle, Dec 24, 2005
  3. Are the new parts OEM?

    Also, as Elle suggested, perhaps the new timing belt is off a tooth?
    High Tech Misfit, Dec 24, 2005
  4. bones5657

    bones5657 Guest

    thank you!
    bones5657, Dec 24, 2005
  5. bones5657

    bones5657 Guest

    no they are not OEM. I supose thats makes a big difference? I think it
    might be off a tooth aswell.
    bones5657, Dec 24, 2005
  6. bones5657

    SoCalMike Guest

    im thinking its off a tooth as well. non-OEM wouldnt necessarily cause
    this... just make it necessary to do the job over again sooner. maybe.
    Gates makes good belts, and there are some decent water pump suppliers.
    id likely trust anything from NAPA over autozone-quality stuff.
    SoCalMike, Dec 24, 2005
  7. I don't know if the belt has to be OEM, but OEM is recommended for the
    spark plugs, wires, distributor cap and rotor.
    High Tech Misfit, Dec 24, 2005
  8. bones5657

    Elle Guest

    Bones, of course your first concern should be seeing if the
    belt is off a tooth via checking the timing and see if it
    can't be adjusted to spec via the distributor housing. But
    for the archives and for you future reference, and from my
    reading here of people's car problems as well as some of my
    own experience with my 91 Civic, my sense is that using
    non-OEM wires, cap, rotor and plugs is that they shorten the
    life of the igniter and ignition coil as well as have
    shortened lives themselves.

    I am frugal but I feel I've learned the hard way to spend
    the few extra bucks for OEM distributor/ignition parts.
    Elle, Dec 24, 2005
  9. bones5657

    Graham W Guest

    This won't get the valve timing corrected if indeed the belt is
    off by a tooth (or more...).
    Graham W, Dec 24, 2005
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