How do I get these #%$&! stickers off my new Civic window visors??

Discussion in 'Civic' started by Eric, Jan 28, 2007.

  1. Eric

    Eric Guest

    LPS does indeed make a contact cleaner. This is the stuff I use...

    It should be used with good ventilation. Perhaps it might be best to remove
    the visors from the car or set up a fan blowing air through the car before
    using it. Note that I've used it for many purposes, e.g., circuit boards,
    stereos, as well as using it to remove the glue left behind on objects by
    stickers. So far, it has never damaged any plastics I've used it on.

    Eric, Jan 28, 2007
  2. Eric

    D.K. Guest

    Just bought a new Honda Civic LX sedan and so far I am very happy with
    it (only had it 2 days, though! (-; )

    However, one thing I am unhappy about is the fact that they put these
    big yellow gaudy stickers on my window visor that warn about seating
    babies or children in the front seat! I don't even have any children
    or babies, nor do any ever ride with me!

    But in trying to peel these stickers off, it appears that if I do so
    it might take the material on the visors off with it!

    So my question is, How do I take these damned ugly warning stickers
    off my new car without ruining the upholstery that covers the visors?

    Would appreciate help from anyone who has successfully done so.

    Also, is there any place to buy Lo-Jack stickers to make thieves
    believe you have it even though you do not? Seems to me that the
    sticker is about as good as the device itself and would be a lot
    D.K., Jan 29, 2007
  3. Eric

    Bucky Guest

    I did not dare to try to pull off those stickers. I couldn't envision
    any method to take them off cleanly. Yeah, it would be nice if they
    put those warning labels on post-it notes that you can easily remove.
    Bucky, Jan 29, 2007
  4. Eric

    Eric Guest

    I've never tried it, but you might want to consider using some type of
    solvent to loosen up the adhesive. I would start with LPS brand contact
    cleaner. It's a little expensive but it "shouldn't damage" most plastic.
    Note, don't even think about trying to use those cheap tuner cleaners. Most
    of them contain mineral oil and that's probably not something you want.

    A last ditch option would be to buy replacement visors as long as the new
    ones didn't come with stickers.

    Eric, Jan 29, 2007
  5. Eric

    Jim Yanik Guest

    I think I'd begin with GooGone or similar product before LPS.
    LPS,I believe,is NOT a "contact cleaner".

    Maybe some mild heat from a hairdryer would help.

    Are they stickers or molded into the vinyl?
    Jim Yanik, Jan 29, 2007
  6. Are replacement visors available? Do they have stickers on them? How
    much do they cost?

    Elliot Richmond
    Itinerant astronomy teacher
    Elliot Richmond, Jan 29, 2007
  7. Eric

    D.K. Guest

    I am not buying new visors at dealer prices! This is ridiculous! I'm
    going to complain to Honda about this. I mean, the stickers are really
    big and bright and obnoxious! I understand they want people not to put
    kids in the front seat, but really, people are going to do what they
    want regardless of the sticker. The stickers should be removable!

    As for trying solvent, the visors are not vinyl or plastic, they are
    cloth-covered. The cloth is synthetic, yes, but I fear that any
    solvent will discolor them. I was hoping someone had done this and
    could tell me how to do it without damaging the upholstery.

    If I don't hear from anyone who's done it, I'm writing the VP in
    charge of Customer Relations for Honda and asking him for new visors
    without the damned stickers!

    Thanks for your replies.
    D.K., Jan 29, 2007
  8. Eric

    Andrew Guest

    What! about! heating them! gently with a hair! dryer?

    a (!)
    Andrew, Jan 29, 2007
  9. Eric

    Jim Yanik Guest

    I asked him that earlier today;No reply.
    Jim Yanik, Jan 30, 2007
  10. LPS makes both a contact cleaner that is styrene safe and a lubricant known
    as "LPS 2." The contact cleaner has a light aroma and evaporates completely.

    Michael Pardee, Jan 30, 2007
  11. Eric

    Tegger Guest

    The reason they are not removable is...liability exposure.

    It's screwy. First the automakers are compelled by legislation and
    regulation into installing airbags, and then they are left open to
    litigation when those airbags kill and maim people.

    You will not be allowed to buy sun visors without stickers. The only thing
    I can suggest is to buy labels to stick over the stickers.

    But if you do that and later on somebody gets hurt in some manner warned
    about on the stickers, I certainly hope you won't plan on suing Honda
    because they made the stickers too easy to cover up.
    Tegger, Jan 30, 2007
  12. Eric

    Seth Guest

    I was figuring they might actually be there as the government (U.S. most
    likely and it's cheaper to have the same part across the board rather than a
    different one for each country) mandates it.
    I was thinking having a tailor or upholstry shop re-cloth them.
    Seth, Jan 30, 2007
  13. Eric

    Jim Yanik Guest

    this the stuff you mean?

    I wouldn't be using it inside MY car.
    I also don't believe it's going to unstick his sticker.

    this is NOT a contact cleaner either.

    LPS =Light Petroleum Solvent,IIRC (or maybe Light Penetrating Solvent)

    Home Page;
    Jim Yanik, Jan 30, 2007
  14. Eric

    Jim Yanik Guest

    He could always take them to a local automotive upholstery shop and have
    them recovered.
    Maybe even DIY,if he cares enough to tackle the job.
    Jim Yanik, Jan 30, 2007
  15. Why not write your Congresscreep and ask him/her what gives? $5 will
    get $10 that "Big Brother" put the gun to Honda's (and every other car
    manufacturer's) head and said "Warn Them and Make Sure They Listen or See"
    Unquestionably Confused, Jan 30, 2007
  16. Don't bother. If they wanted you to remove the stickers, they would
    be removable. Do price the replacements though. It will give you an
    incentive to be careful with the ones you have.
    Gordon McGrew, Jan 30, 2007
  17. Eric

    Bucky Guest

    Don't all manufacturers have similar stickers on their visors?
    Bucky, Jan 30, 2007
  18. That's the stuff. It's a good non-residue contact cleaner (although I prefer
    the residue type for potentiometers, with Stabilant 22a being the best).
    When I worked in avionics we used LPS contact cleaner by the case. I agree -
    I doubt it would remove the stickers. In fact, I suspect the stickers are
    "ironed on" or otherwise permanently attached for the legal reasons others
    have mentioned.

    Michael Pardee, Jan 30, 2007
  19. I think so.
    Michael Pardee, Jan 30, 2007
  20. Eric

    D.K. Guest

    If they are legally required to put them on, and make them big and
    yellow and ugly, then I'll forgive Honda for it; but if they are not
    required by law to put them on permanently, then it is a very poor
    decision to do so.
    D.K., Jan 31, 2007
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