How do I get these #%$&! stickers off my new Civic window visors??

Discussion in 'Civic' started by Eric, Jan 28, 2007.

  1. Eric

    Bruce. Guest

    They could have made them difficult to remove instead of impossible to
    remove. I've tried a bunch of methods and nothing works. They are on to
    stay permanently.

    Bruce., Jan 31, 2007
  2. But then you can imagine the lawyers: "My client was injured because he
    didn't have the vital information required on those stickers that just fell
    right off...." I find that WWJD (What would Jesus Do?) is secondary to WWTLS
    (What Will The Lawyers Say?) ;-)
    Michael Pardee, Feb 1, 2007
  3. Eric

    Bruce. Guest

    If car makers can make cars that park themselves and use radar to avoid
    accidents, think of the potential liability for those features!! Yet they
    make those features anyway.

    Any liability for customers intentionally removing warning stickers would be
    nearly zero compared to those cases.

    Bruce., Feb 1, 2007
  4. The frequency of lawsuits for removing the stickers would probably be less
    than for auto-parking mishaps, but the size of the lawsuits would almost
    certainly be greater than for the parking incidents. With both self-parking
    and radar the equipment does not relieve the driver of his responsibility to
    operate the machine safely. Loss of required stickers would allegedly
    mislead the driver to operate unsafely.

    How did we get to this state of affairs, anyway? [rhetorical]

    Michael Pardee, Feb 2, 2007
  5. Eric

    John Horner Guest

    You can thank the government and the aggressive trial lawyers for those
    blasted things.

    I think that the only clean answer is going to be an upholstery shop.

    On our Honda the stickers appear to be heat bonded on. Yuck!
    John Horner, Feb 2, 2007
  6. Eric

    Jim Yanik Guest

    I wonder why heat can't UNbond them?

    Consider that even if you fail and screw them up,you can still get them
    reupholstered at a shop.
    Jim Yanik, Feb 3, 2007
  7. Eric

    TomP Guest


    How do I get these #%$&! stickers off my new Civic window visors??

    Short answer; you can't. They are a type of silkscreening process.

    You can thank the (liberal) "nanny state" for those stickers.


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    TomP, Feb 3, 2007
  8. Eric

    D.K. Guest

    I don't think it's just liberals that vote for this shit. After all,
    wasn't Congress under a majority of Republican rule for the past 8 or
    so years?
    I don't think it's a bad idea at all to warn people about the airbags,
    in fact I think it's a good idea.
    What is dumb is making them so that you can't remove them once you've
    read them.

    Or they could put the warning on the back of the glove compartment so
    when it opens anyone would see it, yet it would not ruin the
    appearance of your $20,000+ vehicle...
    D.K., Feb 4, 2007
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