how do I remove inspection stickers?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by chibitul, May 18, 2004.

  1. chibitul

    chibitul Guest

    hi, I cleaned up my civic and there are 2 inspections stickers expired
    on my windshield. I tried to rmeove thembut it ain't easy task. Any
    ideas??? thanks
    chibitul, May 18, 2004
  2. chibitul

    Keith J Guest

    you can use a razor to get the majority of it off. Be careful not to
    scratch the glass.

    after that, "Goo Gone" (or similar) works well. Any of those products will
    Keith J, May 18, 2004
  3. chibitul

    Keith J Guest

    you can use a razor to get the majority of it off. Be careful not to
    scratch the glass.

    after that, "Goo Gone" (or similar) works well. Any of those products will
    Keith J, May 18, 2004
  4. chibitul

    chibitul Guest

    yeas, I was thinking of a razor blade. It would be so much easier if the
    sticker was on the outside though (convex vs. concave shape of the
    glass). I will be very careful :)
    OK, now I need to pop into the auto store and fins this stuff. Didn't
    know about it. What is it???
    chibitul, May 18, 2004
  5. chibitul

    chibitul Guest

    yeas, I was thinking of a razor blade. It would be so much easier if the
    sticker was on the outside though (convex vs. concave shape of the
    glass). I will be very careful :)
    OK, now I need to pop into the auto store and fins this stuff. Didn't
    know about it. What is it???
    chibitul, May 18, 2004
  6. chibitul

    Randolph Guest

    OK, now I need to pop into the auto store and fins this stuff. Didn't
    GooGone is a naphtha based solvent. You can find GooGone in most
    hardware stores and even at Target / K-mart / Wall-mart type stores.
    Look for a small (~8" tall) clear plastic bottle with a yellow liquid
    Randolph, May 18, 2004
  7. chibitul

    Randolph Guest

    OK, now I need to pop into the auto store and fins this stuff. Didn't
    GooGone is a naphtha based solvent. You can find GooGone in most
    hardware stores and even at Target / K-mart / Wall-mart type stores.
    Look for a small (~8" tall) clear plastic bottle with a yellow liquid
    Randolph, May 18, 2004
  8. just use hair dryer ...

    very efficient, even on a ten years old one...


    for responding please drop -discret- in my adress
    Philippe MÉRY, May 18, 2004
  9. just use hair dryer ...

    very efficient, even on a ten years old one...


    for responding please drop -discret- in my adress
    Philippe MÉRY, May 18, 2004
  10. chibitul

    motsco_ _ Guest


    Professionals use a scraper (fresh blade) and windex. The windex just
    keeps the goop from sticking back onto the glass. It will clump into a
    ball. Spray, scrape, spray, scrape.

    Once you introduce solvents into the situation, you get a gooey mess
    that leaves residue for a long time.

    Soapy water in a sprayer would do the same thing as Windex.


    Regarding stage performances: When everyone else has finished playing,
    you should not play any notes you have left over. -
    motsco_ _, May 18, 2004
  11. chibitul

    motsco_ _ Guest


    Professionals use a scraper (fresh blade) and windex. The windex just
    keeps the goop from sticking back onto the glass. It will clump into a
    ball. Spray, scrape, spray, scrape.

    Once you introduce solvents into the situation, you get a gooey mess
    that leaves residue for a long time.

    Soapy water in a sprayer would do the same thing as Windex.


    Regarding stage performances: When everyone else has finished playing,
    you should not play any notes you have left over. -
    motsco_ _, May 18, 2004
  12. chibitul

    Chip Stein Guest

    i just use a razor blade. goo gone smeels like ass!! a little brake
    clean would work and doesn't leave a stench behind.
    Chip Stein, May 19, 2004
  13. chibitul

    Chip Stein Guest

    i just use a razor blade. goo gone smeels like ass!! a little brake
    clean would work and doesn't leave a stench behind.
    Chip Stein, May 19, 2004
  14. chibitul

    Angel F1SH Guest

    use a razor bblade and butane liquid. just release the butane from the top to
    bottom. it eats the sticky stuck and us windodex to wipe clean. been doing
    that for 25 yrs with cars.
    Angel F1SH, May 20, 2004
  15. chibitul

    Joey Kneler Guest

    (Angel F1SH) wrote in
    I've found wd-40 is effective also.
    Joey Kneler, Jun 27, 2004
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