How do I use the fuse box?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by jameskcheng, Oct 23, 2006.

  1. jameskcheng

    jameskcheng Guest

    Hello. I want to put a neon light under my dash and hooked up to my
    fuse box. I want to know how I can do that? The neon light I want has a
    cigarette adapter, which I have to cut. What do I do now after I cut
    the wire? I don't want to buy the neon light, then waste it buy cutting
    the wire and not know how to hook it up to the fuse. Thanks for any
    jameskcheng, Oct 23, 2006
  2. jameskcheng

    Zephyr Guest

    If your not sure what you should be doing, maybe a little background
    might help to start out with.
    Zephyr, Oct 23, 2006
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