HOw do u lower ur car

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Jarrett Hurd, May 20, 2005.

  1. Jarrett Hurd

    Jarrett Hurd Guest

    how do u lower ur car?
    Jarrett Hurd, May 20, 2005
  2. Jarrett Hurd

    Randolph Guest

    Fill it up with fat chicks.
    Randolph, May 20, 2005
  3. Jarrett Hurd

    tomb Guest

    Randolph wrote:
    | Jarrett Hurd wrote:
    || how do u lower ur car?
    | Fill it up with fat chicks.

    Thanks for making me laugh ;)
    tomb, May 20, 2005
  4. Jarrett Hurd

    TeGGeR® Guest

    let the air out of ur tires
    TeGGeR®, May 20, 2005
  5. Jarrett Hurd

    chris Guest

    You can get a set of lower springs and better shocks.
    $200Cdn for a good set of springs $?? for good shocks

    Also you could go with a full set of coilovers.
    $1000Cdn for Tein coilovers and $? for good shocks

    I would stay away from the off-brand ebay trash.

    This newsgroup isn't that great for tuner info. I would checkout (fourm) or (fourm).

    chris, May 20, 2005
  6. Jarrett Hurd

    Jarrett Hurd Guest

    thanks ur the only mature 1, where do they sell them like at wut kinda of
    Jarrett Hurd, May 20, 2005
  7. True, but our smart-alecks spell well.

    Michael Pardee, May 20, 2005
  8. Jarrett Hurd

    TeGGeR® Guest

    And we capitalize well.
    TeGGeR®, May 21, 2005
  9. Jarrett Hurd

    Jarrett Hurd Guest

    yea i guess cant b 2 serious

    Jarrett Hurd, May 21, 2005
  10. Jarrett Hurd

    Brian Smith Guest

    It appears that you could have been more serious while you were in school
    (hoping that you're not still in grade three <g>).

    Brian Smith, May 21, 2005
  11. Jarrett Hurd

    TeGGeR® Guest

    <pogo-posting corrected>

    Don't you go blind if you stare@thesun? Or if you masturbate?
    TeGGeR®, May 21, 2005
  12. Jarrett Hurd

    Jarrett Hurd Guest

    Im in the 12th grade dont kill me not caring about how to spell right 4
    people im going to USC next year so i cant be that stupid
    Jarrett Hurd, May 21, 2005
  13. Jarrett Hurd

    Steve Guest

    USC? Welll.....

    Anyway, about lowering cars. They may look good (to you and others) but
    typically the will ride poor... Stiff, especially if you put shorter tires
    on it.
    Anytime you lower the car you will effect alignment, especially camber (toe
    is a given and can be repaired. If you lower it enough you have to put
    adjustable ball joints on it (or other adjustable pieced to correct the
    camber. Now that you have these adjustable parts on it you can fix the
    camber... but wait, now the tires are rubbing the inside of the fender...

    Anytime you mess with something, there will be a trade off. Expect it.

    Stephen W. Hansen
    ASE Certified Master Automobile Technician
    ASE Undercar Specialist
    Steve, May 21, 2005
  14. Option #1: Use a forklift to drop a couple of pallets of bricks onto it. To
    maximize the lowering effect park the car next to a multi-story
    parking garage and drop the bricks onto the car from the upper
    level. This is also know as the David Letterman technique.

    Option #2: Drive it into a swimming pool. The pool can be wet or dry, your
    choice. The car will now be roughly 6-8 feet lower depending on
    the particular pool used.

    Option #3: Remove wheels. Set car on ground. Total lowering will only be
    about 7 inches or so.
    Manic Mechanic, May 21, 2005
  15. Jarrett Hurd

    Brian Smith Guest

    Tell that to any potential employers that expect you to correspond with them
    in English. Your cover letter and resume must require a translator.

    Brian Smith, May 21, 2005
  16. [snip]

    I forgot option 4, that is to trust Honda engineers. If you want a tricked
    out car, go to USC, get good grades, get a good job, save your money, and
    buy an NSX or S2000. An RSX might also be a good option. This is a much
    better option than finding a picture of your car, or one just like it, at
    Manic Mechanic, May 21, 2005
  17. Honda engineers have to please a huge number of people.

    I lowered my car with lowering springs, and am very please with the results.
    Steve Bigelow, May 21, 2005
  18. Jarrett Hurd

    TeGGeR® Guest

    You're in the 12th grade and your writing is that bad?

    Let me tell you son, if you applied for a job at my place, I would expect a
    far better command of written English than that which you display.

    You might think your writing style looks cool, but to anyone older than you
    it looks incompetent.
    TeGGeR®, May 21, 2005
  19. Jarrett Hurd

    Jarrett Hurd Guest

    o well thanks 4 the advice

    Jarrett Hurd, May 21, 2005
  20. Jarrett Hurd

    Jarrett Hurd Guest

    cool thank you
    Jarrett Hurd, May 21, 2005
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