How do you get a Honda Registered if.......

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by piperspost, Jan 28, 2006.

  1. piperspost

    piperspost Guest

    How would I be able to get a Honda that was left to me by my ex-wife
    without a title? I have tried to tell her that she needs to get a
    duplicate title from DMV & just turn that over to me, but so far she has
    not acted on's a shame that this 1993 Honda with low milage may
    have to go to the junk yard.....any suggestions please
    piperspost, Jan 28, 2006
  2. Court order.

    Do you have the court order that turns the car over to you? Take that
    to the DMV and get your own title.

    Barring that, go back to the judge and ask that he direct her to do this.
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Jan 28, 2006
  3. piperspost

    Seth Guest

    Unless the car is hers as part of the divorce (which is what I gather from
    what the OP wrote) and she's just giving/abandoning it to him cause she
    doesn't need it anymore.

    If the OP was entitled to the car as part of the divorce, then I don't think
    he would have written "was left to me by my ex-wife".
    Seth, Jan 28, 2006
  4. Unless the car is hers as part of the divorce (which is what I gather from
    what the OP wrote) and she's just giving/abandoning it to him cause she
    doesn't need it anymore.[/QUOTE]

    Then he ignores it and she, the legal owner, is abandoning the car. At
    worst, he calls the city to report an abandoned car.
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Jan 29, 2006
  5. piperspost

    Seth Guest

    Then he ignores it and she, the legal owner, is abandoning the car. At
    worst, he calls the city to report an abandoned car.[/QUOTE]

    I don't know about his city, but here in mine an abandoned car gets towed to
    the impound and the registered owner gets the bill. But I wouldn't be able
    to get a title to the car on that basis. That doesn't help the OP cause
    ultimately he wants to drive the car, not get rid of it.
    Seth, Jan 29, 2006
  6. I don't know about his city, but here in mine an abandoned car gets towed to
    the impound and the registered owner gets the bill. But I wouldn't be able
    to get a title to the car on that basis.[/QUOTE]

    That's not the point. If she's not going to give up the title, then
    take the car away from her.
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Jan 29, 2006
  7. piperspost

    Seth Guest

    That's not the point. If she's not going to give up the title, then
    take the car away from her.[/QUOTE]

    May not be /your/ point, but the OP's point is to retain/regain ownership of
    the vehicle and drive it.
    Seth, Jan 29, 2006
  8. piperspost

    Brian Smith Guest

    Here you would go to the RMV and have a new document printed for $15.00.
    Then she would sign it over to you and you would pay no tax on the
    transaction because it would be considered a gift.
    Brian Smith, Jan 29, 2006
  9. May not be /your/ point, but the OP's point is to retain/regain ownership of
    the vehicle and drive it.[/QUOTE]

    He has the information--if it's his as part of the divorce proceedings,
    he has the judge order her to take care of it.

    If it's not his, then it's not his. He *could* go to the court and
    explain that "your honor, she gave me the car but refuses to give me the
    title". Won't work. Waste of time.

    So without a title, the car isn't his--regardless of who possesses the
    car itself.

    If she won't give the title up, then he hands her the car back. If she
    doesn't want it, he leaves it with her. If she dumps it back in his
    driveway, he puts it on the street and calls it abandoned.
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Jan 29, 2006
  10. My state DMV (and I believe all other states) has proceedures and forms
    for getting a new title and registering a vehicle that you have in your
    possession but have no title/registration for. I have done this on a
    car that was left with us and which we had in storage for over 8 years
    and that had not been registered since then. We did have to get a form
    signed by the owner(who had moved to California) saying it was given to
    us and when he had last registered it. Our state does not keep
    registration records more than 5 years old--hence the form was required.
    We did this successfully, but in your case it seems like you are going
    to have to get a similar form signed by your ex-wife, and if she won't
    get a title for you, she probably won't do this either. I do recall
    that their was also something on the forms where you could say that the
    original owner was unknown or couldn't be located, but if you did that
    you would need to attest to that and get the form notarized. Hope this

    Kenneth J. Harris, Jan 29, 2006
  11. piperspost

    piperspost Guest

    Thanks for all the feedback guys....I have tried everuthing possible to
    get the regersted in my name, but first I need to get the title. She
    claims that she can't find the original, so I sent her a duplicate Title
    form to fill out from DMV along w/the lein release form from Chase Bamk
    & I have heard every story from her about it it not getting done. I have
    seeked Legal advice to see if a lawyer could step on her toes a little
    bit & make her crap or get off the bowl.

    I may be able to renew the regerstration in her name next month &
    pick up an Insurance Company that will provide me full coverage in my
    name & I would be good to go, the only thing is if I ever wanted to dump
    the car or sell it at a later point in time I will not be able to.
    piperspost, Jan 29, 2006
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