How far in to press balance shaft seals on 2.2L Accord Motor?

Discussion in 'Accord' started by KWW, Jul 4, 2004.

  1. KWW

    KWW Guest

    After taking the front off my '93 Accord's motor (timing/balance belts,
    crankshaft pully, crankshaft gears, etc) I was going to replace all of the
    seals, but I notice that the seal on the front balance shaft was installed
    flush with the outside edge of the bore. I discovered that it can go back
    farther because I accidently pushed it back a mm or two on one side while
    trying to take it out. So how far should it go in? The manual I have
    (Haynes) doesn't talk about it. I also am trying to figure if it is worth
    trying to get the thing out since it is less accessible than the crankshaft
    seal... maybe I should just push it in evenly and call it a day......
    thoughts? (They are not easy to take out!)
    KWW, Jul 4, 2004
  2. KWW

    Chip Stein Guest

    just below the surface. it also wouldn't hurt to get a balance shaft
    seal retainer from the dealer. they do sometimes pop.
    Chip Stein, Jul 5, 2004
  3. KWW

    KWW Guest

    Thanks. Got the retainer as recommended.

    KWW, Jul 8, 2004
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