How large is the bargaining power of "cash buying"?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by kwon22, Apr 30, 2006.

  1. kwon22

    Doug Guest

    I just bought a Civic new this weekend with "cash". The salesguy had
    told me a certain price and I asked if there was any better he could do
    on the numbers. He said no, that it's the rock bottom price already,
    can't go any lower, they installed wheel locks and mud guards which
    will bring the price up more, etc etc. I said "that's too bad because I
    was going to give you a check for it right now, no big deal... honey,
    let's keep looking." All of sudden, for the price that absolutely
    couldn't move, he was able to miraculously drop it another grand.

    Walk into a few dealers without your checkbook to make sure you can't
    buy. Because if you are looking for a car, and you run into the
    wrong/right salesmen, he's going to bag you like a buck during the rut.
    Go to 2 or 3 dealers, find what you want, and then work them all down
    to their good numbers. Think of it as a fun game instead of a stressful
    task The ultimate leverage on your side is that 1) You can pay cash and
    they know you are a definite sale (no credit problems to crop up after
    they've put 2 hours of work into you), and 2) You don't care whether
    you buy it today or 2 months from now. (Have that attitude even if you
    want the car yesterday) Walk in with some patience. Don't be afraid to
    work these guys over. I worked in mortgage sales for a while and car
    guys are exactly like loan salesmen. A small profit sale is better than
    no sale. And for salesmen that have a zero on the board, marking a 1 up
    there even if it's minimal profit sure looks better than a goose egg,
    which can get you fired easily.

    Also, we shopped at month's end, 2 days before end of month. And, I
    heard rainy days are better because there are less people shopping, but
    haven't verified that.

    And one last thing, I bring along my wife (I affectionately call her
    the Terminator. She's the heavy. Good cop, bad cop) and I chum it up
    with the salesguy, but when he starts writing numbers on the sales
    sheets, I whisper to him, "Look, I know you guys are straight, but F
    around with the numbers (like adding BS miscellaneous charges), and my
    wife will go f'ing ballistic on you and trust me you don't want that."


    PS. You'll find their lowest price after "walking off" the lot a few
    times without buying. When they know you are leaving they throw the
    best numbers at you.
    Doug, May 5, 2006
  2. Right. Which has nothing to do with the bargaining power of cash.
    Travis Jordan, May 5, 2006
  3. kwon22

    tlbwriter Guest

    I just bought a Civic new this weekend with "cash". The salesguy had
    That wasn't about the cash. It was because you were willing to get up
    and walk away. The same thing would have happened whether or not you'd
    been prepared to write a check that day. One of the most powerful tools
    a buyer has is the ability to walk. Unfortunately, many don't use it.

    I like to tell the salesperson that I haven't decided whether or where
    I'm financing. I make it clear that I'm open to whatever special rates
    they might have, but that it won't be part of the price negotiation.
    And after that point I refuse to talk about it, especially to answer
    the question "what kind of payment do you want," which you should
    never, ever, ever answer.
    tlbwriter, May 5, 2006
  4. kwon22

    SoCalMike Guest

    if you go thru costco, sams, AAA, you can get their BEST numbers right
    off the bat. no hassle, no haggle.
    i dont know many people that can write a check for $20,000... and have
    it clear :)

    i could, if i had to.

    see, thats my thing... ive got a really nice 1998 civic CX hatch im
    happy with. so i dont give a flying fig if i buy today or in september.
    im just going to be shopping the new 2dr/4dr hatches...

    honda fit
    toyota yaris
    scion xA
    scion xB

    so im going to go get the prices, get the tradein, and sell my car
    private party for more. a 3dr yaris with all the features to bring it up
    to scion xA level makes it cost more than an xA, which is wacky.

    i do like that its got the same VVti engine, and is the lightest in the
    bunch. 500 lbs less than my civic cx. all the same go-fast parts should
    fit, etc.

    the honda fit doesnt have nearly as much aftermarket support.

    eliminate all the variables.... sell your tradein yourself. have as much
    cash as possible, line up your own financing beforehand. THEN go get the
    lowest prices on the cars you want.
    or just go through costco/sams/AAA. same deal, no BS.
    SoCalMike, May 5, 2006
  5. kwon22

    SoCalMike Guest

    some people (most) dont want to "hurt the guys feelings"

    its war, and theyre in it to screw ya.
    SoCalMike, May 5, 2006
  6. kwon22

    Shawn B. Guest

    if you go thru costco, sams, AAA, you can get their BEST numbers right off
    Going through Costco I got $26,900 including 2006 Civic Hybrid w/NAVI, Tax,
    License, Registration, Destination Fee, Splash Guards, Wheel Locks, Auto
    Dimming Mirror and Floor Mats. The price was non-negotiable. I laid down
    the $500 deposit to pick it up next month when it arrives. This price was
    actually about $1,800 better than I could find in So. California that will
    allow me to "wait" since I'm not ready to purchase on the lot. Those that I
    can pick from a lot are first-come-first-served and I would need a 3 hour
    drive to get their and may or may not still be available.

    Then, I get a cal from another dealer in San Diego (3 hours drive from here)
    and I said if he can't beat the Costco price by $1000 I'm not interested.
    He calls me back. I got the exact same features as listed above for $26,023
    to get the keys and received a certificate in the mail the next day
    indicating the final price as agreed and the features included. I haven't
    canceled the Costco deal yet, I'll wait and see how smooth things go but
    $900 is a lot to save, especially in this market.

    So the bottom line is: AAA, Sams, Costco can get you great deals but don't
    stop looking for a better deal.

    Shawn B., May 6, 2006
  7. kwon22

    KWW Guest

    Sounds like what happened when I went to purchase my Honda Civic years ago.
    We had set the fleet rate, been preapproved by my Credit Union and they had
    agreements setup with the dealership, HOWEVER, they required that we talk
    with their financing POS person. This jerk kept us there for 2.5 hours while
    my three little children were hungry, tired, and had been expecting to go to
    lunch 2.25 hrs before. It was supposed to be an "in and out" event.

    Definitely not a gold star sales pitch... The jerk tried to tell me that I
    had to purchase their extended warranty or we would most likely be out
    thousands of dollars because the Hondas break down ALL THE TIME and are VERY
    EXPENSIVE to repair... that the PAINT would PEAL OFF if I did not get their
    sealant because the factory was apparently totally incompetent, and that the
    seats would fade, tear, and stain if I didn't get their special treatments.

    Oh, and he reentered ALL our financial info and BYPASSED the preapproval.

    Sure, we MAY have been able to get out of there in closer to an hour IF I
    had rolled over and let him RAPE me financially.

    Well, I did have my revenge. The owner of the dealership was a close friend
    to some friends of ours. They gave me his home address. I wrote a letter
    explaining our experience, and our dismay at the apparent "false
    advertising" Honda had about their reliability... etc... it was a work of
    art... I may also have copied US Honda... don't recall. Well, we receive a
    personal reply, the ass got fired, and they fell over themselves being nice
    for a couple of years until the dealership was bought out by a mega-chain
    (but that is another story).

    BTW, we ended up getting all but the dumbassed wheelcovers for a total cash
    outlay of $250, if I recall - vs the $1500+ they were pushing (they had
    already done some of the stuff to the car before we test drove it... though
    the sticker didn't show it).
    KWW, May 28, 2006
  8. kwon22

    KWW Guest

    Or have a good sales guy why is a former engineer who is honest enough to
    tell you the actual price to the dealer - any incentives available - and
    explains that he adds $200 to that price.

    He lets you leave to think about it - giving you his card - you check other
    dealers without telling them WHERE you got your data... they nearly soil
    themselves and finally say that their management won't allow them to sell
    for that... have their "manager" come out to your car as you are leaving to
    try to "come to an agreement"... but still not commit to that bottom line

    You go back a week or two later to the original guy, and the price is still
    good - sign the paperwork and finish up in minutes.

    Actually happened... at Rusty Wallis Honda, Garland, TX.
    KWW, May 28, 2006
  9. kwon22

    Dick Guest

    I find the best way to buy a new car is on the Internet. I thoroughly
    researched the car first and knew exactly what I wanted. I also knew
    the invoice price from Edmunds. I then looked for on-line dealers in
    the Phoenix area. I received a quotation from the fleet manager in
    one of the Phoenix area's largest dealerships. I had never even
    visited that dealership. With quote in hand, I went to see them,
    signed the papers, and the car was ordered. I did have a trade, so
    they had to see it. I was very satisfied with the trade-in offer.
    The only downside was, as others have mentioned, that I told them I
    wanted the car just like it came from the factory. No add-ons! When
    I went to pick it up they had put on mud flaps, door and fender guards
    and a phony wax job. I couln't do anything about the wax job, but I
    made them take the other stuff off while I waited. Other than that, I
    was very happy with the deal. I have bought several vehicles by
    letter or phone by getting quotes even before there was an internet.
    I never deal with sales people face-to-face. I just get written
    quotes from several dealers, and take the one I like. BTW, the price
    I ended up with was $1,500 better than by using Costco at a local
    dealer. At least half of that was getting more for my trade-in, which
    was a '99 Accord EX V-6.
    Dick, May 28, 2006
  10. kwon22

    Howard Beale Guest

    I hope you didn't pay for the wax job. I would have told them in no
    uncertain terms I wasn't paying for ANY of it, and if the added junk wasn't
    removed and the car deliverable on the original terms in 30 minutes the deal
    was over and complaints would be filed with the attorney general's office
    and Honda for deceptive sales practices.

    I know two people who made "No logos" a term of sale and one of them walked
    out when the vehicle had the logo on it and they refused to remove it.
    Stopped by the manager's office and told him why he lost the sale, asking
    him how it felt to lose a sale out of sheer stupidty.

    It's really too bad that car dealers are often so sleazy.
    Howard Beale, May 30, 2006
  11. The other way to handle this kind of thing is to thank the dealership
    for all that free stuff and insist upon the amount agreed upon. Make it
    clear that the added nonsense is a deal breaker. Let the sales manager
    see you get agitated. In almost every case they'll cave in. Maybe
    they'll remove stuff that's easy to remove. But in our case we walked
    away with about $150 worth of stuff (after the dealer tried to get $350
    for these frills) that is nice to have. This tactic is especially
    effective if you pick up the car at a time when service is closed. [Our
    car was obtained from another local dealer because our dealer of choice
    didn't have the exact model/exterior color/interior color combination
    we wanted. The other dealer had installed a package of frills which we
    knew our dealer hadn't paid for.]
    dimndsonmywndshld, May 30, 2006
  12. kwon22

    Dick Guest

    I don't think the dealer was so sleazy. We always order new cars from
    the factory. When they get to the dealership, they unload them off
    the carrier and send them to the prep building. There they all get
    the same treatment. Mud flaps, door and fender edge guards, Auto
    Buddy wax treatment, and pin striping. I got there in time to stop
    the pin striping. It would have been nice if they had discussed that
    while I was signing the order. I also caught it before they put on
    the dealer logo, although theirs is very unobtrusive, and not metal.
    The Auto Butler cost $200 which I wasn't happy about, but it is
    reapplied every six months for at least 3 years. I don't have the
    contract in front of me. I couldn't get really mad at them about the
    Auto Butler. I did get a really good price (well below invoice) on a
    (at that time) hard to get EX V6 with Nav. I'm happy.
    Dick, May 30, 2006
  13. kwon22

    Earle Horton Guest

    The logos that are put on with double sided tape, come right off with hot
    water when new.


    *** ***
    Earle Horton, May 31, 2006
  14. kwon22

    KWW Guest

    Interesting. I went to pick up my van and they had "done me a favor" by
    giving the vehicle a "detail job". This consisted of taking the previously
    flawless Honda paint and swirling the hell out of it with an orbital buffer.
    I was very mad, and showed them what happened before I drove it away
    (paperwork had been signed already)... they claimed that it was that way
    before... right... like I suddenly had my eyes fixed AFTER I had looked over
    every inch of the vehicle to make sure there were no defects? I never went
    back to them... and wrote a letter of complaint.


    KWW, Jun 9, 2006
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