how long do brake pads last?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by chibitul, Jul 29, 2005.

  1. chibitul

    chibitul Guest

    I feel like I'm stirring the pot a little bit. I know this is a tough
    question... anyway, for a manual car, driving in the suburbs (not New
    York like traffic jam, but also not interstate highway all day long),
    you know, the usual 5-10 miles to work every day, groceries, gym,
    shopping, doctor, etc. so how long so the brake pads last, ON AVERAGE?
    just throw some numbers. I mean, 1000 miles would probably be unheard
    of, right? also, 200k miles would also be unheard of (remember, this is
    mostly suburbs, not highway). I'm asking because I peeked at my pads
    and there is some thickness left, need to get the caliper and measure
    properly over the weekend. I am approaching 60k miles.

    chibitul, Jul 29, 2005
  2. chibitul

    SadaYama Guest

    I had a similar question earlier, and was discussed here:
    SadaYama, Jul 29, 2005
  3. chibitul

    E Meyer Guest

    My experiences in that type of driving on my newest couple of cars has been
    about 60k-70k on the front pads and 90k on the rears. Most cars now have
    little wear bars attached to the pads to warn you when they are almost gone.
    If you start hearing a scraping noise (it can be subtle on some cars,
    screaming on others), that is the car telling you its time to check the

    If you have one of the Hondas that does not have the tiny little parking
    brake drums hidden in the rear rotors (Integras & Civics), expect the rear
    pads to go before the fronts.
    E Meyer, Jul 29, 2005
  4. Somewhere between 100 and 200k miles. There is no specific answer. That is
    why it is recommended you check the pads for wear at regular intervals.
    Alex Rodriguez, Jul 29, 2005
  5. chibitul

    chibitul Guest

    well, smart guy, I asked what is the average. Imagine it is some soft
    of Gaussian distribution, or whatever, and yes, some brakes wear out
    faster (100 miles), some wear out very late (200k miles) as you said.
    but these are UNUSUAL cases, 1 in a million or so. I wanted to know the
    AVERAGE. If that concept is familiar to you, please let me know.

    p.s. I am going to check tha pads tomorrow.
    chibitul, Jul 30, 2005
  6. chibitul

    jim beam Guest

    there is no average. the variables of location, driving style & typical
    journey are just too broad to generalize. all you can do, as you about
    to do, is check periodically and monitor wear rate.
    jim beam, Jul 30, 2005
  7. chibitul

    Thomas Hern Guest

    I have a 98 Accord MT. 106K. Front pads still have 20% left, all original.

    I do not downshift to brake, but often stay in a lower gear, and thus do
    not brake nearly as much as autos I follow.

    My 87 Accord's front pads usually only lasted 50K.
    Thomas Hern, Jul 30, 2005
  8. chibitul

    SoCalMike Guest

    depends on your style of driving. if you treat the gas and brake as
    on/off pedals, your pads wont last as long as coasting before stopping
    and using engine braking correctly.
    SoCalMike, Jul 30, 2005
  9. Well, if you're such a smart ass, figure it out for yourself.
    G-O-O-G-L-E if you're having trouble getting started.
    No one gives a big rodent's rectum!
    Sparky Spartacus, Jul 30, 2005
  10. chibitul

    Elle Guest

    Of course there's an average, and of course it could be helpful to know.

    The distribution probably is Gaussian.

    Unless one knows the standard deviation of the average is extremely high,
    then the variables you name are no more too broad to generalize than, say,
    adult male height. Even if the S.D. is extremely high, the original poster
    could seek averages for simply his locale (and for OEM pads), and this would
    reduce the S.D. and no doubt provide useful information to him.
    Elle, Jul 30, 2005
  11. chibitul

    Sid Guest

    I agree. Also, you could calculate several averages if you had the data.
    An average for urban driving, an average for highway driving, an average for
    suburban driving, an average for little old ladies, etc.

    I have a 99 Accord with 4 wheel disc brakes that just turned over 70k with
    the original brakes. I bought replacement pads a couple years ago but still
    have not needed to put them on.

    Sid, Jul 30, 2005
  12. chibitul

    chibitul Guest

    I have a 98 Accord MT. 106K. Front pads still have 20% left, all original.
    Thanks, now this is what I consider useful information, unlike some of
    the other "smart" answers.
    chibitul, Jul 30, 2005
  13. Uh-huh.
    So how long do brake pads last, based on that data?
    Steve Bigelow, Jul 30, 2005
  14. chibitul

    slim Guest

    I get 35K on OEM Honda pads on a 96 Civic coupe.

    "I'm the commander -- see, I don't need to explain --
    I do not need to explain why I say things. That's the
    interesting thing about being the president.
    Maybe somebody needs to explain to me why they
    say something, but I don't feel like I owe anybody
    an explanation. "
    - George "Dubya" Bush
    slim, Jul 31, 2005
  15. chibitul

    mmdir2002 Guest

    it depends on how you drive car. There is a way to keep lasting a break
    A soft driver usually keep their pad last while the violent drivers
    does opposite.
    It is not based on luck or sitution or type or condition of car. It is
    based on
    pure driving skill...
    mmdir2002, Jul 31, 2005
  16. chibitul

    chibitul Guest

    based on this answer (and other information I found searching older
    threads) I would say the "average" lifetime of Honda pads is between
    50k and 100k miles. Of course it depends on too many factors to list
    here. But here are a couple of point I learned:

    1 -50k miles is not unusual, that is for typical driving conditions. if
    you do pizza delivery of course the pads will wear down faster, and if
    you do only highway of course they may well last over 100k miles.

    2 -usually you do not have to turn the rotors, they last almost 200k
    miles if you use OEM pads and do not let the pads wear down to the

    I check my pads and I have 2.1-2.2 mm left, that is at 59k miles. that
    is just in line with what others experienced.

    you give me more data for your specific case (auto/manual,
    citi/highway, aggressive/moderate drivers, hilly/flat region, etc.) and
    I will give you an even better *estimate*

    remember, it is just an *estimate*.
    chibitul, Jul 31, 2005
  17. chibitul

    Bebop Guest

    I don't think there is an estimate for brake wear. There are just too
    many factors. You might get an average and that's about it. The only way
    to find out if the pads needed replacing are from regular inspections or
    hearing the tell-tale noise.
    Bebop, Aug 1, 2005
  18. I think it would hurt more than help. There is such a wide range of pad
    life that you could think you are average, when you are really below average
    and you ruined your rotors.
    Alex Rodriguez, Aug 1, 2005
  19. chibitul

    Pars Guest

    If you're willing to work the standard tranny, they'll last a very long
    time. Quality of rotor and pads will play a big factor (along with driving
    style) on the wear factor.

    I tend to drive hard, but don't use the brake much (I prefer to downshift or
    swing around the obstical). Anyways, my 1998 Civic is on it's 4th set of pad
    up front and the rear drum are still on the orginal shoes. The car has
    246,000km and the clutch is still orginal. I'm do for a new clutch in the
    near future, but since the bad presure plate and stiff clutch pedal doesn't
    bother me, I'm probaly gonna milk it for a few more season.

    98 Civic Hatch
    Pars, Aug 4, 2005
  20. chibitul

    jmattis Guest

    Too variable due to driving style. My wife and I both had '90 Integras
    years ago. She drove hers like a bat out of Hell and it needed 2
    replacements on the front (one on the rear also, I think) before she
    sold it at 89,000 miles.

    Mine made it 105,000 before needing front pads, and the original rears
    lasted until it was sold at 119,000.
    jmattis, Aug 4, 2005
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