how often should I change my oil?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Khee Mao, Apr 28, 2004.

  1. Khee Mao

    Khee Mao Guest

    I've recently moved downtown and am now walking to work (and just about
    everything else), which has decreased my monthly mileage to somewhere
    between 100 and 200 miles total. I know the oil companies say 3 months/
    3000 miles (despite my manual saying at least twice that), but changing oil
    every 600 miles seems kind of ridiculous. does oil go bad from age as well
    as wear?
    Khee Mao, Apr 28, 2004
  2. Khee Mao

    Frank Guest

    In your case, I would put in synthetic oil, and change once a

    Its is odd, but I have found that a car that is not use gets as
    much problems as a car that is being used. You will noticed the
    brakes going, rust, etc.... my 2 cents
    Frank, Apr 29, 2004
  3. Khee Mao

    Joseph Wind Guest

    3mo/3k miles is based on what Auto Manufacturers call severe conditions or
    every day use if you lived in California. It would be a waste to change the
    oil at 600 miles. I'd agree with Frank, switch to synthetic and change your
    oil less often. If you're worried about voiding your warranty, you could
    change every 6 months, but check the condition of the oil and other fluids
    at least once a month.
    Joseph Wind, Apr 29, 2004
  4. Khee Mao

    JXStern Guest

    2004 models Honda says severe conditions are 6 mos / 5,000 miles,

    JXStern, Apr 29, 2004
  5. Khee Mao

    tflfb Guest

    I think if and when you drive the car if the trips are short ( 4-5 ) miles
    and in the winter 3 months is about right.

    If you drive and the trip is long enough to warn the engine up to normal
    operateing temperature, and sustain that temp for at least 15 miles twice a
    yr is the way to go.

    I don't know what difference it makes if the oil is synthetic or
    conventional if it has moisture in it, it makes no difference, the moisture
    is still going to damage internal parts, so why spend the extra for the

    my .02 cents

    tflfb, Apr 29, 2004
  6. Khee Mao

    JC Guest

    The 3mo/3k miles guideline is still being debated, but, on a car that
    doesn't make very long trips (enough to completely warm the engine and
    evaporate water vapor), I would stick with the 3 month. Condensation in the
    oil leads to sulfates (think that's the right word - it's late...) that
    attack bearing surfaces. Don't want that, now do we? :)


    JC, Apr 29, 2004
  7. Khee Mao

    G-Man Guest

    I drive a lot, but I use Amsoil XL7500 and change only at 7500 miles.

    No my Tundra is ridden line your Honda. I've had it since July 2001 and
    only have 16k on it. I use full Synthetic and change it once a year. Even
    then it looks very clean when changed.

    G-Man, Apr 29, 2004
  8. Khee Mao

    Jason Guest

    I would use regular oil and change it every 3 months or 3000
    miles--whichever comes first.

    Jason, Apr 29, 2004
  9. Khee Mao

    Bob Burns Guest

    Follow the recomendations in your user manual.

    Oil companies want to sell more oil.
    Bob Burns, Apr 30, 2004
  10. Khee Mao

    Barry Guest

    That's the correct answer.
    Changing the oil every 3000 miles (standard usage) is a waste of time,
    money, and oil. My '03 Civic's manual says once every 10k miles -- changing
    it every 3000 miles is a waste of 8 quarts of oil every 10,000 miles.
    I don't know about you folks, but I am not eager to give the oil companies
    and middle Eastern nations more of my money than necessary. I sure don't
    want to do anything that maintains our dependence on them any more than
    absolutely necessary.
    Barry, May 5, 2004
  11. The way oil is formulated these days you can wait 6 months between oil
    changes if you don't hit the mileage before.
    George Pennington, May 5, 2004
  12. Khee Mao

    Jerry Guest

    I used plain old Castrol 10w-30 and changed the oil between 4,000 and 6,000
    (basically - when I got around to it but never at 3,000) and my car has
    232,000 miles with no engine failure.

    Would I have made it to 260,000 with synthetic or a lower interval? At
    100 to 200 miles a month it will take you 108 years to find out. Save your
    money. Actually, if you calculate what that car is costing you per mile
    (insurance and amortized cost of vehicle) - sell it and take a cab ;-)
    Jerry, May 9, 2004
  13. Khee Mao

    John Horner Guest

    but changing oil every 600 miles seems kind of ridiculous.

    Driving many short trips can in theory wear oil out rapidly, but long
    periods of doing nothing followed by trips which get the vehicle up to full
    operating temperature (at least 20-30 minutes of driving) are really not
    that hard on the car.

    You could sleep very easy going 6 months between changes and would probably
    do no harm at a 12 month interval.

    3 months/3,000 miles is an ancient rule of thumb which survives today mostly
    to support the income of Jiffy Lube & friends!

    John Horner, May 9, 2004
  14. Khee Mao

    GBSmith Guest

    I suspect part of that is to support Honda too. My dealer offers a
    $19.99 oil change. Not a bad deal at all around here. However, the
    sticker they put on the windshield indicates a 3,000 mile recommended

    The owners manual for my 2004 Civic indicates 5,000.
    GBSmith, May 10, 2004
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