How to access air filter on 2005 CRV

Discussion in 'CR-V' started by gorf, Jan 15, 2006.

  1. gorf

    gorf Guest

    Okay, I thought this would be easy but I don't want to go further for
    fear of causing damage.

    I know where the air filter resides and what the part looks like. I've
    identified the case/cover shown on the following URL:

    Unfortunately, there are parts connecting to this case that I'm not sure
    if I should remove. There is a large hose connecting to the front
    (labeled "B-1-5" in the above URL). It has a screw clamp securing the
    hose, that clamp can be loosened and the hose will move, but there isn't
    much room and I haven't actually slid it all the way off.

    There is another hose that connects on the passenger side of the case,
    it's about an inch in diameter and is connected to the case with a push
    clamp. I can loosen the clamp with my fingers but I am more concerned
    that the small hose would be difficult to reconnect to the case as it
    appears significantly stretched as it is.

    Any advice for getting to the air filter? I can't seem to remove the
    cover while those two parts are attached.

    I can take it in and pay $25 to have the thing replaced, but this is
    more for me as I'd like to take a more hands-on approach in maintaining
    my cars.

    If you recall I had an incident a few months back with a Civic's air
    filter where the case was cracked when I rescrewed it. The shop that
    overtightened the screws was kind enough to cover that but my confidence
    is still shot. Please help me believe in myself again... :)
    gorf, Jan 15, 2006
  2. gorf

    SoCalMike Guest

    i dont see why the clamps cant be undone and the lid simply lifted up in
    order to wiggle the filter out.
    agreed. id recommend getting a manual from and following
    the instructions exactly.
    SoCalMike, Jan 15, 2006
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