How to adjust windshield sprinkler in accord 2004

Discussion in 'Accord' started by Pszemol, Sep 15, 2007.

  1. Pszemol

    Pszemol Guest

    When I try to wash the windshield in my accord coupe I see
    the stream of water hits the wiper blade, not the glass.

    Nowhere in the user manual I can find the procedure...

    It this the same as with other, older cars, that you can
    put some paper clip end to the sprinkler hole and move it?
    I would not like to break it if this is done some other way...
    Pszemol, Sep 15, 2007
  2. Pszemol

    Dano58 Guest

    I would use either a straight pin or an unbent safety pin, not a paper
    clip. The pins are tapered and will only go in so far. Paper clip may
    not even fit. Just insert the pin and move the nozzle around.

    Dan D
    '07 Ody EX
    Central NJ USA
    Dano58, Sep 17, 2007
  3. Pszemol

    Greg Guest

    take a tooth pic and just move it around. dont worry you wont break it
    i have done it several times to adjust mine.
    Greg, Sep 18, 2007
  4. Pszemol

    Bucky Guest

    what shape is the nozzle? My 2001 Civic has a nozzle that looks like a
    horizontal slot, kind of like it fits a slotted screwdriver. I think I
    actually adjusted it with my fingernail.
    Bucky, Sep 20, 2007
  5. Pszemol

    Tegger Guest

    According to Honda's official documentation:
    " To adjust the nozzle, use a small, flat-tip screwdriver to push on the
    deflector and move the ball. Never stick a needle or any such object in the
    nozzle. Adjust the nozzle so the center of the spray hits the middle of the
    Tegger, Sep 20, 2007
  6. Pszemol

    Pszemol Guest

    Thanks, Tegger!
    Where are you quoting this from, my friend?
    I am not sure if you are aware - honda books and online manuals links
    on your website are broken. I am getting 404 - not found error code.
    Pszemol, Sep 20, 2007
  7. Pszemol

    Pszemol Guest

    Yes, it looks like horizontal slot.
    Pszemol, Sep 20, 2007
  8. Pszemol

    Tegger Guest

    One of the monthly Honda Service News issues. I can't find exactly which
    one right now, though.

    I just tried them all with no problems. Specifically which link doesn't
    Tegger, Sep 21, 2007
  9. Pszemol

    somick Guest

    Link to "HONDA PARTS" brings this page that does not work!

    Thank you, for your site

    somick, Sep 21, 2007
  10. Pszemol

    Pszemol Guest

    I am talking about links here
    These do not work for me on AT&T DSL Internet line at home:
    Pszemol, Sep 21, 2007
  11. Pszemol

    Tegger Guest

    I have no such link.

    Are you sure you're not clicking on some ad in a third-party reproduction
    of my site?

    Please post the actual URL. If somebody is linking to my site (with bogus
    ads), I want to know.
    Tegger, Sep 21, 2007
  12. Pszemol

    Tegger Guest

    You picked up all those from the "Links" page.

    I inherited that page three years ago from John Ings, founder of the FAQ.
    Surely you read the disclaimer at the top of that page. If not, I quote it

    "Warning: This page has not been updated in several years. I inherited it
    from founder John Ings when I took over this site, and have done nothing
    with it. I have no idea how many broken links there are. You might be
    wasting your time."

    The Links page will very soon either disappear entirely or be drastically
    altered. Not sure there's any point to it any more, since most of the links
    are repeated in other pages relevant to their subjects. Plus I have a
    Search function that John did not.
    Tegger, Sep 21, 2007
  13. Pszemol

    Tegger Guest

    Found it! April 2003, third page.
    Tegger, Sep 21, 2007
  14. Pszemol

    Pszemol Guest

    Yes, I did. The page is on your website.
    This is what I said originally...
    Does it really matter? Why are you so defensive?

    It is your website - if you are ok with broken links
    on your website, I have nothing against it :)
    You can have ANYTHING you want on your own website.

    Have a great day and thank you again for the info
    about the windshield sprinklers.

    Pszemol, Sep 21, 2007
  15. Pszemol

    Seth Guest

    At I'm seeing "Honda parts" as the
    link between "Acura parts online" and "More Honda parts" and it points to
    Seth, Sep 21, 2007
  16. Pszemol

    Tegger Guest

    I took the link page down.

    If it's that badly out of date, there's no point in having it up any more.
    Tegger, Sep 21, 2007
  17. Pszemol

    Tegger Guest

    Not any more.
    Tegger, Sep 21, 2007
  18. Pszemol

    Pszemol Guest

    OK, I was replacing my wiper inserts today, so there was
    a perfect excuse to play with the sprinkler nozzles...
    It is true, they move as described above.

    The problem I am seeing is more in the geometry of the
    driver side windshield wiper, which seems to be too high.
    When I try to adjust position of the nozzle to make the
    stream of water going over the resting wiper the stream
    of water is way too high and hits the windshield near
    the roof of the car. If you move it anywhere lower,
    steram hits the wiper instead of the windshield.

    It seems to me, that the proper setting is when the water
    hits the wiper, because when spraying wipers automaticaly
    start to move and the next stream hits the glass when
    the wiper moves...

    Am I correct or not? Can you adjust the nozzle in your
    2004 accord coupe the way the water avoids resting wiper?
    Pszemol, Sep 30, 2007
  19. Pszemol

    Tegger Guest

    You're supposed to aim the spray so it hits the middle of the glass (up-

    If you have trouble getting fineness of aim, the cure is simple: violate
    Honda's edict. Go to any craft shop and get a cheap set of cross-stitch
    needles (ask the wife). Cross-stitch needles have a rounded, blunt
    point, and will not damage the nozzle's surfaces.

    With the correct, well-fitting size of blunt needle you can stick it
    directly into the round hole and get finer control over its aim.

    If your spray pattern is actually a SPRAY rather than a STREAM,
    disregard my advice above, and obey Honda's.
    Tegger, Sep 30, 2007
  20. Pszemol

    Pszemol Guest

    Yes, my spray patter is actually spray, not a stream...

    And the driver side arm of the wiper seems to be too high,
    in the way of the water stream/sprawy making it impossible
    to satisfy two constrains: water hiting over the wiper arm
    and not hiting too high on the windshield (almost roof).

    Passenger side is OK, no problems there... wiper arm is low
    and allows setting water target spot on the glass correctly.
    Pszemol, Oct 1, 2007
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