how to beat a speeding ticket

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by k0p, Feb 26, 2004.

  1. k0p

    k0p Guest

    hey whats up, ran across this the other day on Ebay, i dont
    have a current speeding ticket but it looked interesting and i had an
    extra $6 in my paypal account so i figured what the hell ill check it
    out, its actually surprisingly good, the techniques actually work, i
    gave it to one of my friends that had a speeding ticket and they got
    off clean i was amazed, but anyway i just thought id share that with
    everybody, good info to have.
    k0p, Feb 26, 2004
  2. k0p

    Ted Guest

    Funny how someone in his comments said


    how long does it take to send 1.5 to an email address? I guess it shows what
    kind of IQ people have that are supporting this guy.
    Ted, Feb 26, 2004
  3. k0p

    Cosmin N. Guest

    You could have just asked... This site explains pretty much anything you
    need to know.

    Cosmin N., Feb 27, 2004
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