How to better fuel mileage for Ody

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Eye Indo, Dec 1, 2005.

  1. Eye Indo

    Eye Indo Guest

    2004 Ody, with 20000 miles.
    What can be done to up the fuel mileage. Not interested in optimum power.
    Eye Indo, Dec 1, 2005
  2. Eye Indo

    Elle Guest

    Your car's young, so as for replacing parts, I wouldn't.

    in optimum power.
    Elle, Dec 1, 2005

  3. ---------------------------------

    34 PSI in the tires.

    Never idle it (not even to warm it up), anticipate red lights, a can of
    Techron fuel injector every now and then. Drive like there's a ping pong
    ball between your boot and the gas pedal. Plan your trips efficiently.

    'Curly Q. Links', Dec 2, 2005
  4. Eye Indo

    Eye Indo Guest

    Amazing, since I am doing what you suggested already. within a few points.
    City mileage now about 22 mpg and Hiway average of 29 mpg, but then I do not
    exceed maximum speed limits.
    Was wondering if there was another chip available maybe.
    Dealer does not seem to know much except for fixing run of the mill
    Eye Indo, Dec 2, 2005
  5. Eye Indo

    Eye Indo Guest

    Thanks for info. Interesting info on that website.
    Eye Indo, Dec 2, 2005
  6. Hate to break this to you, but your mileage is actually much better than
    the EPA estimates of 18 city/25 highway. You're not going to do any
    better than what you are averaging now. It's typical minivan mileage.
    High Tech Misfit, Dec 2, 2005
  7. Eye Indo

    SoCalMike Guest

    yup. i think people that claim mileage WAY above the norm are either
    trolling or dont know how to average mileage (aka do basic math)
    SoCalMike, Dec 2, 2005
  8. buy a civic and use it to tow your odyssey around.... :) sorry couldn't
    T L via, Dec 3, 2005
  9. Eye Indo

    Eye Indo Guest

    Average mpg comes from trip computer (non standard add on) measured over a
    As I stated before, I do not drive like most people, am not looking for
    "pretending to be power hungry", keep the speed limit, etc.
    We actually have three Ody's in the extended family and all of us get about
    27 mpg as a minimum on the Hiway.
    Reason for asking if it was possible, is because I also have a 97 Accord
    that gets very good gas mileage on the hiway, like 38 on the average, also
    measured by trip computer, and I know a lot of other peole who have similar
    cars that do not get that good of a mpg.
    Eye Indo, Dec 3, 2005
  10. Eye Indo

    Eye Indo Guest

    Got this from the "official Honda Website"

    For a similar model, we have hte same negine configuration, they list 20/28

    I assume that, what "they" list, is also an average, so I am not that WAY
    out as you claim.
    Eye Indo, Dec 3, 2005
  11. I don't quite understand what you want here. Are you implying that you
    want your Odyssey to achieve mileage that's similar to your Accord?

    An Accord weighs much less than an Odyssey, and weight is a major factor
    in a car's gas mileage. Also, if your Accord managed 38mpg, I am assuming
    it has a 4-cylinder and possibly a 5-speed manual? Differences in engine
    type and tranny type also affect mileage.
    High Tech Misfit, Dec 3, 2005
  12. But that is for the 2006 model, which is vastly different from your 2004.
    Again, EPA estimates for the '04 are 18/25, and you are doing considerably
    better than that.
    High Tech Misfit, Dec 3, 2005
  13. Eye Indo

    TomP Guest

    Conserve momentum when ever possible.
    Keep the tires inflated to recommended pressure or 2lb higher.
    Pretend there is an egg between the gas pedal and your foot; apply pressure to
    accelerate so as to not break the egg.
    Perform regular maintenance as it applies to your driving conditions; keep air
    filter clean.


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    TomP, Dec 3, 2005
  14. As does the frontal area and drag coefficient. Just look at each
    vehicle head on. Which so you think is harder to drag through the
    air? This is a big factor at highway speeds, even at the legal limit.

    I hate to mention this, but I also would not rely on the trip
    computer, at least without verifying its accuracy first. If you
    really want to know for sure, calibrate your odometer against highway
    mile markers and factor that in. Don't be shocked if you get a number
    significantly lower than the computer. 22/29 is very good (too good?)
    for such a large, heavy vehicle.
    Gordon McGrew, Dec 3, 2005
  15. I agree about the "too good" part.
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Dec 3, 2005
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