How to delete a previous destination?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Kalmia, Oct 18, 2009.

  1. Kalmia

    Kalmia Guest

    CRV 2009 -- page 80 of the manual says to find the "delete destination
    screen". How do I find this screen?

    Kalmia, Oct 18, 2009
  2. Kalmia

    Kalmia Guest

    Figured it out.
    Kalmia, Oct 19, 2009
  3. Do you see any benefit in posting the solution here?
    John H. Holliday, Oct 19, 2009
  4. Kalmia

    thomas Guest

    Not if everyone hear is like you!
    thankfully they are not
    thomas, Oct 22, 2009
  5. Kalmia

    Tegger Guest

    It's frustrating when people post problems, but fail to post their
    solution. Nobody learns anything that way, which defeats the purpose of
    this Usenet group.

    Thankfully many posters are not like the OP and /do/ properly update their
    threads with the solution they find.
    Tegger, Oct 25, 2009
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