How to disable ABS dash light?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Dave, Aug 14, 2003.

  1. Dave

    Dave Guest


    Just the other day my ABS dash light came on. My 1994 Accord EX now has
    152K miles on it and still runs like a beauty. I have read quite a bit
    about the potential ABS problems with the Accord on the net and it
    sounds way too expensive ($1000-1500) to bother with. I never liked ABS
    anyway. I have checked all connections, fuses and fluid but no good.
    Does anyone has any idea how to disable the ABS dash light? It is
    driving me nuts!! Thank you.

    Dave, Aug 14, 2003
  2. Dave

    Dave Guest

    Thank you for the link!! I was able to find the ABS computer and when
    disengaging the two wiring harnesses that go into it I was able to
    disable the ABS completely and remove my dash light!!
    Dave, Aug 14, 2003
  3. Electrical tape.

    Cut off a small piece and stick it over the light.

    Problem solved.
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Aug 14, 2003
  4. Dave

    Tony Hwang Guest

    Checked brake fluid level? Low level can cause ABS light.
    Tony Hwang, Aug 15, 2003
  5. Falling asleep through Elmo P. Shagnasty's post...
    The Homer J Simpson!

    "If you can't change a tire, you're not allowed to have a beard. It's the
    most basic part of a car: If you don't know that much about a car, you
    really shouldn't be driving, should you?" - Jimmy Kimmel
    ntlhell rolls a six... deathwind is disembowelled with a chainsaw, run over
    with a rhino, fed to the fish and his computer taken away from him such
    that he doesn't bore us with that inane rot ever again. - ntlhell - A.G.G-
    Pahsons - Somnolent, Aug 15, 2003
  6. --------------------------------
    Hey, Dave,

    For about $5 in brake fluid and an hour of my time I changed the brake
    fluid on our '95 Odyssey and the ABS light now stays out. The old DOT 3
    was fairly dark, and there was a bit of air in the system. (Heaven knows
    whether the previous owner read the manual)

    It's very nice to know that the 'Stomp-N-Steer' will be working next
    time my wife needs it. I'm not a great proponent of ABS, but I'd rather
    fix the problem NOW, by following the prescribed maintenance schedule,
    rather that risking LEGAL complications down the road in the event of an
    accident. If you ever fall into a tank of sharks, be especially careful
    of the lawyers. . . . .



    To REPLY: If there are a couple of underscores in my return address,
    you must remove them to reply directly . . . . . . Thanks.

    Regarding stage performances: When everyone else has finished playing,
    you should not play any notes you have left over. -
    'Curly Q. Links', Aug 16, 2003
  7. Dave

    Dave Guest

    Oh please, I have been an Alaskan driver for 20 years before I even I
    had an ABS eqipped car. I think I can handle braking in bad conditions.
    No doubt you may be be one of our Alaskan tourists who in about 15
    incidents a year wraps their rented RV around the bottom of Turnagain
    Pass.....If you bothered to read my original email you will see that I
    did check all the obvious bits and pieces. On a blue book valued car now
    $2250 why the hell would I be dumping a bunch of diagnostic testing cash
    for something I also originally said I do I even care for? If you choose
    not to assist when someone asks for it, just find somewhere else to
    troll around....

    Anyway, Curly thank you for your post.
    Dave, Aug 17, 2003
  8. Falling asleep through Dave's post...
    I sense hostility

    "If you can't change a tire, you're not allowed to have a beard. It's the
    most basic part of a car: If you don't know that much about a car, you
    really shouldn't be driving, should you?" - Jimmy Kimmel
    ntlhell rolls a six... deathwind is disembowelled with a chainsaw, run over
    with a rhino, fed to the fish and his computer taken away from him such
    that he doesn't bore us with that inane rot ever again. - ntlhell - A.G.G-
    Pahsons - Somnolent, Aug 17, 2003
  9. Dave

    John D. Guest

    No hostility, just common sense: If he didn't want a car with ABS, he
    shouldn't have gotten one. No sensibility there. Turning off trouble
    lights instead of fixing the problem is just plain stupid...but there
    are always other people who will aid and abet his stupidity...the
    world is full of them except that America has more than its share.

    If the ABS light is on, there's a problem...fix it. It's that simple.
    Disabling the light instead? How half-assed can you get?

    John D.
    John D., Aug 17, 2003
  10. Falling asleep through Dave Kelsen's post...
    It wasn't funny then
    I see an ass, who doesn't know when a joke is being presented to him.

    "If you can't change a tire, you're not allowed to have a beard. It's the
    most basic part of a car: If you don't know that much about a car, you
    really shouldn't be driving, should you?" - Jimmy Kimmel
    ntlhell rolls a six... deathwind is disembowelled with a chainsaw, run over
    with a rhino, fed to the fish and his computer taken away from him such
    that he doesn't bore us with that inane rot ever again. - ntlhell - A.G.G-
    Pahsons - Somnolent, Aug 17, 2003
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