How to fix a Wet trunk in 92 Honda Accord

Discussion in 'Accord' started by Dunc, Feb 18, 2004.

  1. Dunc

    Dunc Guest

    We have a low mileage '92 Honda Accord that is in great shape except rain
    gets into the trunk...... and we live in rainy Seattle!

    Are there any suggestions for fixing this?
    Should I pull the existing rubber seal and replace it?

    Are there other ways to approach this?

    Thanks in advance

    Dunc, Feb 18, 2004
  2. Dunc

    Dunc Guest

    I have not been able to ID the specific location.

    I assume that it is somewhere on the top part of the trunk lid. It seems to
    accumulate on the passenger side of the trunk
    Dunc, Feb 18, 2004
  3. Dunc

    HyDr0 Guest

    i had the same problem with my 91 civic turns out the water collected on the
    one side as it is on the 92 accord. i pulld the entire thing apart all the
    lights off the gaskets between the car and the lights and resealed them with
    fastgasket and put the original gasket back in place to ensure that it would
    work and havent had a problem since.
    HyDr0, Feb 18, 2004
  4. Dunc

    electricked Guest

    You can replace the rubber seal or try some silicon on there. Where exactly
    is it leaking from?

    electricked, Feb 18, 2004
  5. Dunc

    electricked Guest

    Place a dry newspaper and try to hose your trunk. See where the water is
    coming from.

    Usually the leak occur at the break lights. My nissan had a leaking problem
    so I found some old/cheap break lights and replaced them. I would have to
    see the damage in order to give you more appropriate advice but your options
    are replacing the whole assempy, as is the case with the break lights,
    replacing the rubber seal, as is the case of break lights and trunk
    inner-edges, or siliconing the holes if you can do it without outside
    visibility (i.e. it'd look ugly if you siliconed a visible location).

    electricked, Feb 18, 2004
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