How to know if a car has been paid off?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Spring, Oct 28, 2010.

  1. Spring

    Spring Guest

    I am in San Jose CA. Could you tell me how to know if a car has been
    paid off? I am looking for a Honda.
    This car has a loan/lien in Carfax report. The seller told me that
    since he has the title in hand and can transfer it to me that means
    the car has been paid off and I do not need to worry about this.

    However I see that in the title the seller's name is only "registered
    owner" (no
    information about lien owner in the title) and in the car's
    registration there is lien owner (a bank).

    The title has just been issued recently and the registration was
    issued 5 months ago.

    Could you please advice if I should worry about this?

    Spring, Oct 28, 2010
  2. Spring

    jim beam Guest

    if there's no lien holder on the title, then there's no lien holder.
    and lien holders don't release title documents, they keep them safe in
    their own hands so people can't sell what they don't own. thus, if this
    is a genuine title document, and they're in possession of it, they have
    the unencumbered right to sell the vehicle to you.

    in the future, don't waste money on useless and out of date carfax
    reports - as you've just discovered, not only can they can be misleading
    as to title, they can be misleading about condition. some vehicles can
    be crashed and repaired, but have clean title and there be no carfax
    report, despite there being serious inadequacies. other times, carfax
    can red flag things like "salvage title" on vehicles that have no
    faults, but have been de-registered, say for long term storage.

    again, don't waste money on carfax. spend it on having the vehicle
    professionally inspected by a qualified mechanic. at the end of the
    day, your personal safety is what matters, not glorified [and expensive]
    toilet paper.
    jim beam, Oct 28, 2010
  3. Spring

    Dillon Pyron Guest

    Um, you can always call the county it's registered in. They should be
    able to tell you if there's a lien on the car. The other option would
    be to tell the seller to go with you when you change the title and
    registration. If there's a lien, you will know in about 10 seconds.

    BTW, he's committing fraud and perjury if he signs over a title
    without informing you that there's a lien on it. DO NOT buy the car
    at any place other than his home. You might test drive it somewhere
    else, but you need to make sure it's really his and this is one way to
    get a better feel.
    I think California is like Texas and the registration doesn't change
    until the owner changes.

    BTW, are you sure you don't have the two backwards? The registration
    should show the owner, who is the person who purchased the car. The
    title should show the owner AND the lien holder. If the registation
    shows anyone other than the seller, it's not his car. If it shows a
    bank, it might be a lease. I once drove a company car that had the RO
    as PH&H (Peterson, Heather and Howlle). The also carried the
    insurance and there was a statement, notarized, that I was the
    authorized operator.
    If he won't go with you to transfer the title, drive off at a tad bit
    over the speed limit. Say 75 mph in a school zone.

    - dillon I am not invalid

    Toby (Tri-Umph That's the Sweet Truth)
    March 1998 - June 2010
    What a dog. What a dog!
    Dillon Pyron, Nov 11, 2010
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