How to remove/install Alt '89 Civic V-tech 2.2

Discussion in 'Civic' started by sgfan3, Aug 23, 2005.

  1. sgfan3

    sgfan3 Guest

    Managed to remove the alternator but am having difficulty installing the replacement. Any tips? I've removed one engine mount already. TIA!
    sgfan3, Aug 23, 2005
  2. sgfan3

    Eric Guest

    On this model, most techs remove the left axle in order to gain enough room
    to remove the alternator.

    Eric, Aug 24, 2005
  3. sgfan3

    Eric Guest

    You can also try removing the oil filter if you haven't already. This will
    give you more access going from the under side. Sometimes you can squeeze
    the alternator past the axle and sometimes you can't.

    Eric, Aug 24, 2005
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