How to Repair a Small Rip In The Headliner?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Steve Lee, Aug 1, 2003.

  1. Steve Lee

    Steve Lee Guest

    This morning my wife told me that she found a small rip in the
    headliner close to the rear right passenger door. I went to take a
    look at it and it's perhaps 1/2" in length and very narrow. But the
    black is still showing through from underneath the headliner. I'd like
    to get this repaired as quickly as possible before it becomes larger,
    but all the dealers I called in town told me they have nothing to
    repair a rip of this type and suggested I call some upholstery shops
    that specializes in cars and see what I can find.

    I haven't got around to calling any of these places, but I have a
    feeling that I'll be charged for an arm and a leg for it. My wife went
    to a few craft and fabric shops, but said she couldn't find anything
    that would reasonably match the headliner.

    Have any of you had a small rip in the headliner and if so, what did
    you do to repair it? TIA.
    Steve Lee, Aug 1, 2003
  2. Steve Lee

    tflfb Guest

    There are methods to repair the headlinner,
    go to a good not a backyard detail shop. Stop by a Lexus dealer ask them
    where they send there used cars for detail, some do it on site, but others
    use a shop. Those detail shops have acess to repair techs that can fix that

    Don't half ass it with hot glue. duck tape bla bla bla.

    tflfb, Aug 3, 2003
  3. Steve Lee

    noway Guest

    Seems like hot glue would melt again on a hot summer day.
    noway, Aug 3, 2003
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