How to replace window

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Paul Kim, Aug 4, 2003.

  1. Paul Kim

    Paul Kim Guest

    My 2000 Civic Sedan got broken into today (nothing really stolen). However,
    the tringular window (rear vent window??) in the back needs to be replaced.
    What is the cheapest way to do this? It seems pretty easy to install -- just
    pop it in, so I think I just want to buy the window and do it myself. Would
    a dealer have this window in stock? How much would it cost? Would a salvage
    yard with late model civics sell this?

    Paul Kim, Aug 4, 2003
  2. Paul Kim

    Greg Guest

    sorry about your bad luck. I had my 99 civic broken into 2 times this year.
    The first time I was in Columbus OH on a business trip and they stole my
    radio and destroyed the dash and door handle and broke the passenger window.
    The second time was back home at my old apartment. Luckily the new alarm I
    put in scared them off after they broke the driver's side window. We just
    moved to a house and I am glad to have a garage! Do you have insurance? if
    so, how much is you deductible? I know a lot of glass places will waive
    the deduct if it is only $50.
    good luck
    just don't make a duct tape sheild over the hole, that looks so crappy and
    it always leaves residue.
    Greg, Aug 6, 2003
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