How to reset the Matenence Light

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Bigtom, Aug 5, 2003.

  1. Bigtom

    Bigtom Guest

    Does anyone know how to reset the Matenance Light on a 2000 Honda Accord LX
    Bigtom, Aug 5, 2003
  2. Bigtom

    don Guest

    This is in the owners manual. Press and hold the trip reset button on the
    dash. Turn the key to the II position while holding the reset button in for
    about 10 seconds.
    don, Aug 5, 2003
  3. Bigtom

    Great Gazoo Guest

    That's the DUMBEST thing you could do. By resetting the computer you have
    erased all the data stored in the ECU and thereby necessitating the OBD-II
    program to "re-learn" itself.

    It's a simple task involving pushing the trip reset and holding it for 10
    seconds with the key on.
    Great Gazoo, Aug 5, 2003
  4. Bigtom

    milf hunter Guest

    (just a joke ) put a sticker on it
    milf hunter, Aug 5, 2003
  5. Falling asleep through milf hunter's post...
    Shut up Gino

    "If you can't change a tire, you're not allowed to have a beard. It's the
    most basic part of a car: If you don't know that much about a car, you
    really shouldn't be driving, should you?" - Jimmy Kimmel
    ntlhell rolls a six... deathwind is disembowelled with a chainsaw, run over
    with a rhino, fed to the fish and his computer taken away from him such
    that he doesn't bore us with that inane rot ever again. - ntlhell - A.G.G-
    Pahsons - Somnolent, Aug 5, 2003
  6. Bigtom

    Brian Smith Guest


    It really amazes me that people will NOT read their Owners Manual, but, will
    read the responses to their questions here.
    Brian Smith, Aug 5, 2003
  7. Bigtom

    noway Guest

    Its just like any other computer. Its good for it to reboot, and redetect
    the settings once in a while.

    I didn't have that option on my last 2 cars, so I just simply disconnected
    the battery for a while, and it cleared it up. I've used it several times
    when my cars started to run a little tempermental, like a ruff start in the
    morning. Of course that would usually be followed by the maintenance light.
    noway, Aug 5, 2003
  8. Bigtom

    E. Meyer Guest

    I think you are confusing the maintenance light, which on Hondas simply
    comes on based on mileage to remind you to change the oil, with a fault

    This is a Honda specific thing. There is nothing like it on any other make
    of car that I know if. It is not a fault light and you do not want to reset
    the computer to clear it. The way to reset it varies on different model
    Hondas (but is always described in the owner's manual).
    E. Meyer, Aug 5, 2003
  9. Bigtom

    Gus Guest

    Piece of masking tape.

    Gus, Aug 5, 2003
  10. Bigtom

    noway Guest

    Ok, thanks for the information.
    noway, Aug 6, 2003
  11. Bigtom

    noway Guest

    RTFM it's in the book

    I didn't have the problem so why would I RTFM.
    noway, Aug 8, 2003
  12. Bigtom

    Bigtom Guest

    Here's one for you... KMFA
    The A stands for Kiss

    Bigtom, Aug 9, 2003
  13. Bigtom

    mtb2k2 Guest

    here's another for you FYSMDYSMF
    mtb2k2, Aug 11, 2003
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