How to tell a genuine Honda Accord (05) Bumper from After market?

Discussion in 'Accord' started by Guest, May 1, 2007.

  1. Guest

    Tegger Guest

    Nah, it's just that the aftermarket simply does not have the budget to
    engineer the molds and dies the way Honda did. The appeal of aftermarket
    direct-replacement is economy, not quality. They have to find ways of
    making the parts cheaper than OEM, and that means cutting all the corners
    they can.

    Their materials are cheaper as well. Quality control is much laxer in the
    aftermarket. They simply can't afford to throw away all the production that
    the OEMs do.

    The aftermarket does not have access to the OEM engineering CAD files and
    blueprints, which are heavily guarded and protected. They have to get hold
    of actual examples of the parts, then work backwards to obtain their own
    specs. This is a terribly inaccurate way of engineering a part, especially
    something as large and floppy as a bumper skin. And then they're only going
    to spend so long welding up and grinding down the molds, since that takes
    time and money, so...

    I've been involved in the OEM process. The detailed engineering of OEM
    parts is astoundingly expensive, exhaustingly intricate, and is only
    justifiable in huge production quantities. Low-volume OEM parts are
    developed the same way as high-volume OEM ones, but with a price that
    reflects the small amortization base.

    Remember, Honda made hundreds of thousands of bumpers. The aftermarket
    makes a few thousand. Big, BIG difference.
    Tegger, May 2, 2007
  2. Guest

    Earle Horton Guest

    Windshields are different. They just break, for no apparent reason. But
    what insurance companies don't like, are claims. If you want to keep your
    premiums down, pay for small repairs yourself. Or if you are a good driver,
    save your pennies with a high deductible or no collision insurance at all
    and you will eventually have enough to buy a new car. On a 2005 model the
    bank probably made you get insurance, but most companies have a $1,000
    deductible available.


    Earle Horton, May 2, 2007
  3. Guest

    Earle Horton Guest

    Windshields are different. They just break, for no apparent reason. But
    what insurance companies don't like, are claims. If you want to keep your
    premiums down, pay for small repairs yourself. Or if you are a good driver,
    save your pennies with a high deductible or no collision insurance at all
    and you will eventually have enough to buy a new car. On a 2005 model the
    bank probably made you get insurance, but most companies have a $1,000
    deductible available.


    Earle Horton, May 2, 2007
  4. Guest

    Jim Yanik Guest

    Wrong;you do NOT have to prove you are innocent or not at fault.
    Suing in small claims court does NOT affect auto insurance rates.
    No,PET OWNERS need to be responsible for their pets,and that includes when
    they are allowed to run loose and cause damage to other people's property.
    Then they should pay for what their animal has caused.

    In any case,the JUDGE would decide if the suit was worthy.
    Jim Yanik, May 2, 2007
  5. Guest

    Jim Yanik Guest

    Actually,some other company probably makes the bumpers FOR Honda under
    Honda buys lots of parts from local sources.Cats,exhaust parts,sensors,...
    that's how they keep the US domestic content high enough to qualify as US-

    No reason why they can't make extra bumpers and sell them thru their own
    distribution networks.
    Jim Yanik, May 2, 2007
  6. Guest

    Jim Yanik Guest

    Actually,some other company probably makes the bumpers FOR Honda under
    Honda buys lots of parts from local sources.Cats,exhaust parts,sensors,...
    that's how they keep the US domestic content high enough to qualify as US-

    No reason why they can't make extra bumpers and sell them thru their own
    distribution networks.
    Jim Yanik, May 2, 2007
  7. Guest

    Jim Yanik Guest

    Actually,some other company probably makes the bumpers FOR Honda under
    Honda buys lots of parts from local sources.Cats,exhaust parts,sensors,...
    that's how they keep the US domestic content high enough to qualify as US-

    No reason why they can't make extra bumpers and sell them thru their own
    distribution networks.
    Jim Yanik, May 2, 2007
  8. Guest

    Jim Yanik Guest

    These days,fixed auto glass is GLUED in to add structural strength to the
    body,and if the body flexes,the glass can crack or shatter.

    Formerly,windshields used to "float" in a rubber gasket.
    Jim Yanik, May 2, 2007
  9. Guest

    Jim Yanik Guest

    These days,fixed auto glass is GLUED in to add structural strength to the
    body,and if the body flexes,the glass can crack or shatter.

    Formerly,windshields used to "float" in a rubber gasket.
    Jim Yanik, May 2, 2007
  10. Guest

    Tegger Guest

    Of course. But that's irrelevant. The working drawings come from Honda,

    The point is that Honda has the budget to develop the thing properly in the
    first place, and has the clout to demand extremely high standards. The
    aftermarket has none of that.

    They may not be allowed to. Honda paid for the development, remember?
    Tegger, May 3, 2007
  11. Guest

    Tegger Guest

    Of course. But that's irrelevant. The working drawings come from Honda,

    The point is that Honda has the budget to develop the thing properly in the
    first place, and has the clout to demand extremely high standards. The
    aftermarket has none of that.

    They may not be allowed to. Honda paid for the development, remember?
    Tegger, May 3, 2007
  12. Guest

    Tegger Guest

    Of course. But that's irrelevant. The working drawings come from Honda,

    The point is that Honda has the budget to develop the thing properly in the
    first place, and has the clout to demand extremely high standards. The
    aftermarket has none of that.

    They may not be allowed to. Honda paid for the development, remember?
    Tegger, May 3, 2007
  13. Guest

    Jim Yanik Guest

    With modern CAD/CAM technology,they can take a bumper off a car,measure it
    and turn out detailed specs for manufacturing molds to make their own.They
    can buy the raw plastic from the same supplier the OEM company uses.

    For metal parts,the materials may be of lesser quality,a cheaper alloy,or
    not as thick a galvanized coating,or maybe no coating at all.
    Jim Yanik, May 3, 2007
  14. Guest

    Tegger Guest

    My experience with aftermarket body parts is that they are grossly
    approximate in dimensions and usually fit poorly. This can only mean either
    poor quality or bad dimensioning, or both.

    You cannot properly measure a made bumper and make a tool exactly the same
    as the original. You do not exactly know the shrink factor.

    They can, but do they? Again, my experience is that if they do, they're
    buying a substandard grade or something, because toughness, flexibility and
    stability are usually not the same as OEM.

    And bad dimensioning. Last aftermarket bumper rebar I looked at was bowed
    down in the middle. The thing was brand-new, so there was no excuse for
    Tegger, May 3, 2007
  15. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Ok. This is the part number for the bumper (front): 04711-SDA-A90zz
    ($259.80). It appears to be the same. I even compared it to other cars on
    the lot with the same color as mine. I also noticed that the right side
    that meets the headlight has a little gap along the bottom. The bumper
    seems to be a perfect fit otherwise. I have also noticed this same affect
    on other cars - on the same side...
    Guest, May 4, 2007
  16. Guest

    Tegger Guest

    The number appears to be a valid Honda part number.

    Tong Yang Plastics in Taiwan is listed in my searches as the OEM supplier
    to Honda for that part number. But if your car was made in North America,
    then likely the bumper was made by a North American supplier intead.
    Tegger, May 4, 2007
  17. Guest

    Alice Guest

    I recently purchased a 2007 CRV ( 2.4 L Petrol engine). So far so good. Very well made car
    however I am getting ridiculously high fuel consumption figures. On average in City/Urban
    driving I'm averaging 17.5L per 100km or 13.4 mpg. This is what you would expect from a truck
    not a brand new Honda. The worst consumption I could find on web reviews was 19.6mpg
    which is a far cry from what I'm getting. Am I missing something?

    The car hasn't had it's first run-in service yet. I'm currently using RON 95.
    Alice, May 5, 2007
  18. Guest

    TF Guest

    My 2005 gets 17 mpg on a good day city, they will tell you break in etc...
    but my experience is the CRV is OVERstating the fuel MPG. best on highway I
    get is 23 MPG...Yes I know what some will say driving habits etc...I know...
    Not happy with the MPG Period,...
    I am sure yours will improve as it breaks in but not that much...If you find
    the reason send me an email as I have brought mine to dealer twice and all
    they say is all OK....

    TF, May 5, 2007
  19. Guest

    Alice Guest

    I'll keep you posted but no way are they getting away with 13 mpg.

    Alice, May 5, 2007
  20. Guest

    Jim Yanik Guest

    2-wheel drive or 4WD/AWD?
    Why hi-test? Doesn't the CRV call for 86-87 octane?
    You're wasting money using a higher octane than specified.

    check tire pressures.
    Jim Yanik, May 5, 2007
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