
Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by thegregster, Jan 18, 2005.

  1. thegregster

    thegregster Guest

    I tried to go to hparts.com , but their website says "under
    construction" and is inactive for me. Does anyone know another website
    address HParts might be using in the meantime, and/or their phone
    number?? Please email me the information if you do, thank you!
    thegregster, Jan 18, 2005
  2. thegregster

    Jafir Elkurd Guest

    Then name of the dealership was Steve Bailey Honda.... if you ever called
    them and got placed on hold (or ignore) you'd have the misfortune of knowing
    that. ;-)

    Actually they had great prices. It's a shame they aren't around anymore. I
    called the number a while back and they said they weren't bringing the page
    back because it wasn't profitable.
    Jafir Elkurd, Jan 19, 2005
  3. In the past, that wasn't the case at all. They were one of the pioneers
    of online Honda auto parts at great prices.
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Jan 19, 2005
  4. thegregster

    TeGGer® Guest

    And so you are right. There is actually a dealership by that name:

    I notice there's a guy named "Steve Harbert" that is associated with that
    dealership. David Harbert's brother?

    That I believe.
    TeGGer®, Jan 19, 2005
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