Hybrid cars

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by aniramca, Jan 15, 2006.

  1. aniramca

    Steve Guest

    Now THAT is a believable anecdote. When I started working at the
    university research lab I've been at for 20 years now, there were still
    some old mid-70s Fury station wagons in the vehicle fleet. Strangely for
    fleet vehicles, they had 440 engines and were frighteningly fast
    especially given the poor maintenance attention provided to things like
    suspension and tires on older fleet cars. I have no doubt a few of them
    are still out there somewhere, since they were sold (running) at auction
    rather than scrapped. Every once in a while, the occasional VERY old
    vehicle will pop out of the university system somewhere and wind up at
    the auctions and they've typically been used up until shortly before the
    auction in some remote research station. Not long ago there was a 60s
    International pickup and a 62 GMC Suburban predecessor at an auction.
    Steve, Feb 6, 2006
  2. aniramca

    Scott Dorsey Guest

    I work for a small government agency, and the vehicle assigned to our
    branch just got upgraded from a K-car to a new Chevy. The K-car didn't
    always want to start in the morning, but it just kept going and going
    for years after anybody still wanted it to go.
    Scott Dorsey, Feb 6, 2006
  3. aniramca

    Steve Guest

    Steve, Feb 6, 2006
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