Hybrid cars

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by aniramca, Jan 15, 2006.

  1. aniramca

    Jack May Guest

    Is that the lie that Fox is passing around?

    The first stem cells were grown at the University of Wisconsin in 1998 with
    work going on before that. Typically this type work is funded by research
    organizations in the Federal Government. That means stem cell work was
    almost certainly being funded by the Clinton administration.

    There was previous research on stem cells trying to understand them almost
    certainly funded by the Clinton administration and probably other

    Only the Bush administration tried to shut down the research with the belief
    that life begins at conception. I do not believe that life beginning at
    conception is in the Bible and Bush is just believing some made up
    religious theory.

    It is essentially the as the Muslim bombers believing they will have 72
    virgins in heaven just because some body said it. So we have a gullible
    world leader that can be led around by the nose by anybody that claimed
    something is religious no matter what is said.
    Jack May, Jan 20, 2006
  2. aniramca

    Steve Guest

    With a big-honkin fan blowing hot air out of the dyno room. No big deal.

    Pratt&Whitney had dyno cells that could take the 4000 plus horsepower of
    an air-cooled R-4360 back in the 40s and 50s. Roof mounted fans provided
    cooling air that would have been provided by natural air flow if the
    engine had been on an airplane wing instead of in the dyno cell.
    Steve, Jan 20, 2006
  3. aniramca

    Ray O Guest

    Even liquid-cooled engines would need a fan to blow air at the radiator.
    The dyno room was a very loud environment whenever a vehicle was running.
    The rollers were coated with a non-skid surface so the tires running on
    those rollers were very loud, we had a fan directed at the radiator, we had
    the dyno motors and cooling fans for the motors, we had an exhaust duct fan
    running, and of course, there was the noise from the subject vehicle.
    Ray O, Jan 20, 2006
  4. aniramca

    Steve Guest

    Most dyno cells are plumbed to bring coolant in from and take it away to
    a remote radiator.
    Oh, you're talking chassis dyno. Different animal. Not nearly as loud
    (engines on cell dynos don't necessarily have mufflers. Although I did
    hear a '68 Charger with a 525 Mopar Performance 440-based crate motor do
    a run on a chassis dyno which drew a standing ovation from everyone in
    the shop :) They'd been listening to a turbo Supra for about an hour
    before that and were sick of vacuum cleaner noises.
    Steve, Jan 20, 2006
  5. aniramca

    clifto Guest

    I don't speak for the author, and you don't either. I can think of any
    number of reasons I might make such a change to my own manuscript, none
    of them having to do with hiding any religious inclination.
    Neither is evolution. It's nothing more than empirical observation extended
    beyond its reach into a theory, a conclusion used to find evidence that
    supports it. You want science? Disprove intelligent design.

    Last word is yours.
    clifto, Jan 21, 2006
  6. aniramca

    David Jensen Guest

    Judge Jones was persuaded by the evidence - and the timing of the change
    - that ID is just creationism hidden in lab coats.
    Science doesn't work that way. When Intelligent Design has some evidence
    available, it will be considered.
    Read Judge Jones's entire opinion in Kitzmiller. Everyone who has been
    taken in by 'intelligent design' should hang their heads in shame at how
    bad of a con it was that took them in.
    David Jensen, Jan 21, 2006
  7. aniramca

    Don Stauffer Guest

    I have seen dynos with fans. The VW of course has its own fan, but the
    output of the fan at the dyno station could supplement it. I don't
    remember for sure which way the fan blew on the bug- if it picked up air
    from the hood, that was probably in a low pressure area, and yet still
    cooled the car okay, so maybe the engine's own fan would be sufficient.
    Don Stauffer, Jan 21, 2006
  8. aniramca

    Don Stauffer Guest

    Or, one could use an engine dyno, and again supply whatever cooling
    needed. Dyno operators had to be creative and used to doing work to set
    up for each new engine type they had to face.

    I suppose there was never such a thing as a quiet dyno room. :)
    Don Stauffer, Jan 21, 2006
  9. aniramca

    Steve Guest

    Oh, SURE there is. It gets REAL quiet right after something Really Bad
    happens.... :D
    Steve, Jan 21, 2006
  10. aniramca

    Ray O Guest

    We had a chassis dyno...
    There is nothing like the roar of a big block engine to get the juices
    Ray O, Jan 21, 2006
  11. aniramca

    Ray O Guest

    That's because everyone is in the bathroom changing their underwear!
    Ray O, Jan 21, 2006
  12. aniramca

    Ronnie Dobbs Guest

    No, the evidence that has been collected fully supports evolution. The only
    humans that don't believe in evolution are crackpots such as yourself, who
    aren't very evolved anyway.
    Disprove that a giant purple bunny rabbit didn't poop the universe. You
    can't. You see, you can't prove a negative. Anyway, the burden of proof is
    upon the person making the claim. You're claiming ID is true, then prove
    Ronnie Dobbs, Jan 22, 2006
  13. aniramca

    Ronnie Dobbs Guest

    Nobody "believes" that except for the strawmen you create so you can so
    bravely knock them down. You're my hero.
    Ronnie Dobbs, Jan 22, 2006
  14. aniramca

    Spazpop2000 Guest

    So IDiots believe there is possibly another entity as powerful (or
    more) than the God worshipped by Christians and many others? Sounds
    like false idolism to me...
    Yeah, one of the reasons is all of the flack the author took for using
    the word "creationism". A rose by any other name...

    You're equating the superior being(s) that "created" everything with
    CHEESE? Sweet...
    There are many claims out there that science does not have to
    disprove. Crop circles caused by aliens, the Virgin Mary in a waffle,
    Pat Robertson claiming that Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's massive
    stroke was divine punishment for the Gaza withdrawal- just a bunch of
    folks looking for supernatural explanations for occurences that can
    easily be explained using observable, repeatable, and measurable
    Spazpop2000, Jan 22, 2006
  15. aniramca

    Jack May Guest

    The amazing part is that the ID people said in public that they did not have
    to prove ID but that the scientist had to disprove ID.

    And yet we still have about 80% of the public think the scientist are wrong
    and the religious fanatics are correct.
    Jack May, Jan 22, 2006
  16. aniramca

    Brettski Guest

    Then I would suggest you look at the EPA figures for the 2006 Civic
    5 speed Manual: 30 city / 38 Highway
    5 speed Automatic: 30 City / 40 Highway
    Brettski, Jan 31, 2006
  17. aniramca

    Ronnie Dobbs Guest

    And we all know how accurate those EPA figures are...

    Ronnie Dobbs, Jan 31, 2006
  18. aniramca

    Steve Guest

    Doesn't matter. The truth is that modern automatics are *generally* more
    efficient and result in lower emissions than the average driver with a
    stick. The computer can keep everything (mixture, timing, and even
    throttle opening) optimized right through the shift because it controls
    both the engine and transmission. With a stick, its still slaved to how
    well (or poorly) the driver executes every shift.
    Steve, Jan 31, 2006
  19. aniramca

    Ronnie Dobbs Guest

    Untrue. The Civic, if the slushbox gets better mileage than the stick, is
    the exception rather than the rule. The viscous torque converter causes a
    loss of efficiency.
    And with the auto, a skilled driver won't get any better mileage than an
    unskilled driver.
    Ronnie Dobbs, Jan 31, 2006
  20. aniramca

    Ray O Guest

    I believe most, if not all, modern automatics have a locking torque
    converter, eliminating slippage during cruising. Duiring acceleration,
    torque multiplication provides an advantage over a solid connection. Also,
    the gear ratios for automatic and manual transmissions are not the same, so
    depending on the setup, one may have a performance or economy advantage over
    the other.
    No matter what type of transmission, a skilled driver can absolutely get
    better mileage than an unskilled driver!
    Ray O, Jan 31, 2006
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