Hybrids: Single-Driver Lanes

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Jason, Aug 6, 2005.

  1. Jason

    Jason Guest

    I saw an article in the newspaper yesterday indicating that they are
    passing a law in California allowing owners of Hybrid vehicles to use
    "single-driver" lanes. Brock Yates, in his article that appeared in the
    Sept. 2005 issue of "Car and Driver" indicated that other states also
    allow the owners of hybrid vehicles to use single-driver lanes.

    I wonder how many owners of hybrids made by Honda are going to the parts
    counter in Honda dealerships and ordering "hybrid" emblems (or whatever
    they are called) and placing those emblems on the back of their cars? It
    would be hard for police officers to easily tell the difference between a
    true hybrid and a non-hybrid Honda. The owners of Toyota vehicles can't do
    this since the Prius is unique.
    Jason, Aug 6, 2005
  2. Jason

    dold Guest

    The California law requires one to apply for a special sticker to put on
    your car. There will only be 75,000 available for hybrids, although I see
    them on the Civic-GX natural gas, and I've seen an Insight with one, which
    must have been modified to run on something other than gasoline, since the
    hybrids were not eligible for the sticker previously.

    The California Hybrid law has been signed, but is still on hold.
    dold, Aug 6, 2005
  3. Jason

    SoCalMike Guest

    it uses a sticker, places on the passenger side rear quarter. the
    sticker is sent by the DMV, and is issued pending verification of the
    VIN on record.

    i guess you could buy a wrecked hybrid, and keep it registered. get the
    sticker and put it on a regular civic?
    SoCalMike, Aug 6, 2005
  4. Jason

    Jason Guest

    Thanks for the post. I now wonder if people that make fake documents for
    illegal aliens will start making fake DMV stickers to sell to the owners
    of Honda cars?
    I hope that Honda owners refuse to buy them even if it happens.
    Jason, Aug 7, 2005
  5. What's a single driver lane? Do you mean HOV lane?

    Rattus The RAT, Aug 8, 2005
  6. Jason

    Jason Guest

    I should have used the term "HOV lanes" in my post. I screwed up--sorry.
    Jason, Aug 8, 2005
  7. Jason

    dold Guest

    The stickers are available now. They were previously available for
    non-hybrid cars of a class known as "Inherently Low Emissions Vehicles"
    Now that they are available to Hybrids, there is a short list of the
    hybrids that qualify. Different years have different standards, and for
    2005, the Honda Insight doesn't qualify because it isn't clean enough.
    dold, Aug 16, 2005
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