i have no idea what im doing...

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by clueless_teen via CarKB.com, Oct 19, 2005.

  1. hello. im in grade 10 and my science class is doing a study on catalytic
    converters... I have nothing on the subject so far because most websites on
    the internet give prices and how much a new catalytic converter would cost...
    but that is not what Im looking for... I would highly appreciate it if any
    one knew any thing on around what time should you replace a catalytic
    converter in a car... should you replace it according to the warrenty... or
    keep the original cat. till it dies? also id b extremely greatful if any one
    knows any thing about how a catalytic converter actually works... I've read
    different things of how it works... but nothing ive read has been consistent
    in the information... so if any of you know how a cat. works then post it and
    let me know...

    thanks... clueless teen....
    clueless_teen via CarKB.com, Oct 19, 2005
  2. clueless_teen via CarKB.com

    Dr.Maggot Guest

    Dr.Maggot, Oct 19, 2005
  3. clueless_teen via CarKB.com

    Elle Guest

    The key to getting information from the internet is to home in on the key
    words that identify your subject. You had a good start but then you found
    you needed to narrow it a bit.

    Google for the following:

    "catalytic converter" "how does"

    Do not omit the quotation marks.
    Elle, Oct 19, 2005

  4. thanks elle... im sure it will come in handy... ill let u know wat i get on
    my assignment later on lol
    clueless_teen via CarKB.com, Oct 19, 2005
  5. hey dr. maggot... can you be more spacific wen u say google.com... what key
    words should i use?
    clueless_teen via CarKB.com, Oct 19, 2005
  6. clueless_teen via CarKB.com

    Elle Guest

    Hey, kiddo, I forgot you noted that the sites you did look at had
    inconsistent information. Well that in itself should be of interest to
    someone who reads your report. Maybe indicate how many sites said the CC
    works this way; how many said that way. Ultimately, write that you didn't
    find a consensus on this aspect, but you did on that one. That's what
    someone reading your report might like to know.

    Don't let it overwhelm you. You can't get every detail into your report,
    because you aren't a multi-degreed engineer and/or 20-year experienced
    technician, anyway. Make it general. Put it in your own words. Cite your
    sources. Compare and contrast, say, "how a CC works" sites! That might be
    Elle, Oct 19, 2005
  7. clueless_teen via CarKB.com

    TeGGeR® Guest


    Have fun.
    TeGGeR®, Oct 19, 2005
  8. thanks alot for the ideas... just dont call me kiddo lol its kinda degrating..
    .. but yeah my essay is only supposed to b around 500-700 words long... so
    your right... i shouldn't try to kill myself by gettin all the details into a
    little formal essay... so thanks alot for the ideas... lol ill still let u
    knwo wat i got on my assignment wen i get it back tho... lol to c if ur
    suggestions were any help lol
    clueless_teen via CarKB.com, Oct 19, 2005
  9. oh i will have fun... but my teacher already gave us that site as a starting
    point in our information... thanks for atleast tryin to help...
    clueless_teen via CarKB.com, Oct 19, 2005
  10. clueless_teen via CarKB.com

    Elle Guest

    I give him/er a lesson in how to fish, and you just give him the fish!?

    I bet you're a proponent of the welfare state, too!


    Hey, kiddo (the teenager, not you, Tegger), call up a few service shops at
    dealerships and ask them if they have any old, used (failed) catalytic
    converters laying around and if you can have one.

    Cut that puppy open. Identify and label its internals. Props are everything.

    Procrastinating re the big camshaft holder seal replacement job. Tomorrow
    morning, baby...
    Elle, Oct 19, 2005
  11. clueless_teen via CarKB.com

    Elle Guest


    You'd rather be known as "clueless teen"??

    Well, okay...
    Just remember to cite me as "Curmudgeonly Elle" and Tegger as
    "I-Give-People-Fish Tegger."


    Now get off this newsgroup, summarize those web sites, and post your report
    here before submission. Do NOT forget to provide your sources, luv. One is
    nothing without integrity.
    Elle, Oct 19, 2005

  12. ok then... yeah elle im not gonna go get a catalytic converter just for an
    essay... its only worth 2% of my final grade... so im not too keen on doing
    all that just for a crap ass mark i was gonna get anyways lol
    clueless_teen via CarKB.com, Oct 19, 2005

  13. wat? i dont get it? wat do u want me to do?
    clueless_teen via CarKB.com, Oct 19, 2005
  14. clueless_teen via CarKB.com

    Woody Guest

    A good site for that information ob how things work is
    www.howstuffworks.com Just enter catalytic converter in the search.
    Woody, Oct 19, 2005
  15. clueless_teen via CarKB.com

    Dr.Maggot Guest

    Try "catalytic converter?"
    Dr.Maggot, Oct 19, 2005

  16. hey Elle... wat does the Honeycomb and the ceramic beads in a cat. do
    clueless_teen via CarKB.com, Oct 19, 2005
  17. clueless_teen via CarKB.com

    Elle Guest

    Get to work.

    Also, do a second google, including the words "warranty" and "federal" . At
    the end of the report, list all the web sites you used. Those are your

    You don't want to run down to a dealership and actually //put your hands
    on// one of these puppies then haul it into class?! For 2% of my grade, I'd
    do it.

    You have inspired me to start on my camshaft holder seal replacement job. I
    am researching placement of the #1 cylinder in TDC compression position now.
    Elle, Oct 19, 2005
  18. im gonna get to work now but i was wondering if u knew wat a honeycomb and a
    ceramic bead do in a catalytic converter? wat is its significants?
    clueless_teen via CarKB.com, Oct 19, 2005

  19. i did that already... all that comes up is prices of different models of cars
    catalytic converters are...
    clueless_teen via CarKB.com, Oct 19, 2005
  20. clueless_teen via CarKB.com

    Elle Guest

    You know why you were given this assignment? In no particular order, to
    teach you:

    1. how to teach yourself.
    2. how to assimilate ideas all on the same topic into a few coherent
    3. some science, so you can grow up and get a big bucks paying technical
    job, which will allow you to play more football, field hockey, or chess, go
    to the opera, or spend more time flirting with the opposite sex (or with
    whomever you kids--oops, excuse me, I meant "clueless teens"--flirt these
    4. how to save some serious money when a dealership tries to rip you off and
    make you pay when in fact your bazillion horsepower red Ford Mustang cat
    converter is covered by the //federal warranty// on emissions devices. Said
    serious money will assist you in pursuing the aforementioned leisurely
    activities. (Use protection!)

    Cripes while I was writing this, I almost nailed how to get #1 cylinder at
    TDC compression, via a groups.googl search. I'm that good...
    Elle, Oct 19, 2005
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