i have no idea what im doing...

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by clueless_teen via CarKB.com, Oct 19, 2005.

  1. clueless_teen via CarKB.com

    TeGGeR® Guest

    Then why didn't you just Google for more? Everything's there, at your
    TeGGeR®, Oct 20, 2005
  2. clueless_teen via CarKB.com

    TeGGeR® Guest

    You're pretty lazy, aren't you?

    At the risk of being scolded by Elle, I went to:
    and entered these search terms exactly as you see them here:
    "catalytic converter" honeycomb function

    And got this result:

    If you wish to know more, you can refine my start
    by using different terms.

    You're welcome.
    TeGGeR®, Oct 20, 2005
  3. clueless_teen via CarKB.com

    TeGGeR® Guest

    His butchered pseudo-English is a clue as to why adults have a low opinion
    of teenagers.

    I gave him more fish in another message. but this is the LAST one!
    TeGGeR®, Oct 20, 2005
  4. clueless_teen via CarKB.com

    Paul Guest

    : hello. im in grade 10 and my science class is doing a study on catalytic
    : converters... I have nothing on the subject so far because most websites
    : the internet give prices and how much a new catalytic converter would
    : but that is not what Im looking for... I would highly appreciate it if any
    : one knew any thing on around what time should you replace a catalytic
    : converter in a car... should you replace it according to the warrenty...
    : keep the original cat. till it dies? also id b extremely greatful if any
    : knows any thing about how a catalytic converter actually works... I've
    : different things of how it works... but nothing ive read has been
    : in the information... so if any of you know how a cat. works then post it
    : let me know...
    : thanks... clueless teen....

    Weird... When my kids were in grade 10, they knew EVERYTHING. Come to think
    of it, when I was in grade 10, I knew everything.

    Oh, and I did my own homework, too.

    Paul, Oct 20, 2005
  5. clueless_teen via CarKB.com

    Tim & Linda Guest

    Tim & Linda, Oct 20, 2005
  6. clueless_teen via CarKB.com

    Elle Guest


    I did like those keywords for the honeycomb search.

    Maybe that's the only way to teach people how to refine net searches: Give
    them enough examples, and they get an idea of how to separate the "key word
    wheat" from the "empty word chaff."
    Elle, Oct 20, 2005
  7. clueless_teen via CarKB.com

    Shawn Taylor Guest

    You dont know EVERYTHING or you would be on Who wants to be a millionaire,
    and nither do your kids! i give him credit for asking the question period,
    You can learn from experience not just TEXT! I havent seen you reply with
    howe exactly a cat convertor works. HERE since you know EVERYTHING Tell me
    I have a 99 accord coupe manaul, Im lookin at a turbo setup in acouple
    months. But heres my ? , Im upgrading exhaust to 2.5" piping and basically
    doing no cat. I was wondering though if i should do the wideband O2 sensor
    with the air/fuel ratio monitor thing. Since I will be runnin a turbo soon,
    or Should i just buy the O2 sensor simulator for now? ANSWER THAT SMART ASS!
    Shawn Taylor, Oct 20, 2005
  8. clueless_teen via CarKB.com

    Matt Ion Guest

    I'm with you... searching for any kind of useful info on car parts on
    sites like Google is a nightmare with all the farking parts-stores ads
    that make up 90% of the hits.

    I Googled "catalytic converter how it works" and the first hit that came
    up was http://auto.howstuffworks.com/catalytic-converter.htm.

    Another useful link that came up:
    Matt Ion, Oct 20, 2005
  9. hi. im a not so clueless_troll
    i am innocent stupid teenager and my internet info class is doin a study on
    naive internet users and how to troll good, my teacher said try passive
    trolling using the pathetic whatever, teenager approach , im stupid, im
    dumb, im cluless and
    be vague and see how many people waste lots of energy really trying to help

    the only real teenie thing about this
    is trying to get somebody else to do
    there assignment for them

    1. **no** teenie refers to self as clueless
    2. teenie venacular is off by 15 years
    3. post is too long (think IM)
    4. i read howitworks.com

    if one ***actually reads*** first paragraph
    and still whines about not knowing what
    convertor does whine whine and blather
    on about not saying what it does or being
    vague and in consistent

    deserves a failing grade on the report

    spend some time in science / math / physics
    groups you'll know
    not_falling_for_it, Oct 20, 2005
  10. Exactly! This is an exercise, so when you have to do it "for real" you
    *will* know what you are doing.


    "...you should be able to detect when a man is talking rot, and that...is
    the main, if not the sole, purpose of education." - Harold Macmillan
    Michael Pardee, Oct 20, 2005
  11. hey thanks for sayin that but im a girl lol... and yeah im actually
    completely clueless when it comes to cars... i just needed a few pointers on
    where to look for the info and hopefully sum1 who would have enough time on
    their hands to help me actually comprehend the stuff... but i hate it wen
    people assume that i know what im doing just cuz im 15... apparently im smart
    (IQ of 192) but this assignment is totally prooving me wrong...
    clueless_teen via CarKB.com, Oct 20, 2005
  12. ok u know what dont make fun of me because im askin for help... at least i
    have the guts to ask for help... i grew up knowing EVERYTHING that came my
    way... there was nothing i didn't know or didn't comprehend in a second...
    the fact that im finding a challenge in catalytic converters just prooves
    that no one is perfect! unfortunately even me... so if ur gonna post sumtin
    up... dont waste my time.... post sumtin usefull... not all this damn tlak
    about ur kids...
    clueless_teen via CarKB.com, Oct 20, 2005
  13. clueless_teen via CarKB.com

    Dave Kelsen Guest

    Oops. I bet you didn't really mean to make a claim like that, now did
    you? Especially given that you don't spell, punctuate or elucidate
    above the level of the average 12 year old. 92 is a lot more congruent
    with what you've exhibited in this thread than 192.

    Dave Kelsen
    Dave Kelsen, Oct 21, 2005
  14. okay... I'm not 12 years old... I'm 15... I'm just a lazy typer when I don't
    feel like spending a lot of time on something... I only spell things properly
    when I'm going to be getting a grade for it at school. so I DO know how to
    type.... and I DO know how to spell... and I DO have an IQ of 192... you can
    ask every board official on my city's Board of Education. I've been getting
    tested for over 5 years to see if I am infact a teen genius. I've
    comprehended physics and calculus, and since then I've been tutoring many
    grade 12 students who attend my Highschool in both those subjects... so don't
    tell me that it was a mistake to make a claim that... because I did!
    clueless_teen via CarKB.com, Oct 21, 2005
  15. clueless_teen via CarKB.com

    TeGGeR® Guest

    Oh, c'mon Dave. On the Internet, we've ALL got IQs of 192. You, me, our
    semi-literate friend here, everybody. Isn't it cool to be so smart?
    TeGGeR®, Oct 21, 2005
  16. clueless_teen via CarKB.com

    TeGGeR® Guest

    I'm 14. I just look a lot older than my age. I don't even get carded when
    buying liquor, which is just sooo cool. I can buy cigarettes for all my
    friends, too.

    So do I! What a coincidence!

    We already know I am. Nothing to prove there.

    I just made the smae mistake, which proves our similar IQs.
    TeGGeR®, Oct 21, 2005
  17. clueless_teen via CarKB.com

    Dave Kelsen Guest

    No. Not me.


    Dave Kelsen
    Dave Kelsen, Oct 22, 2005
  18. clueless_teen via CarKB.com

    Jacko Guest

    Come on fellers give the 192 IQ a go. All mechanics have an IQ of er I'd
    better not say Thats why we hang out here eh? Were all less experienced
    than we want to be. Whats IQ anyway, its another way of telling someone
    you can be smart if you want to be .Most of us cant be smart because
    basicly were lazy. Ive got an IQ of er,, dam Ive fergot Its terrible
    when Alzheimers sets in...IQ dont mean nuthin den.

    A catalytic converter works by getting so hot it burns any pollution
    left after the combustion process. Its usualy get polluted by using the
    wrong fuel, eg leaded petrol. This is when it stops working properly.
    It burns itself out in time, but if treated properly will last longer
    than most exhaust systems due to pollution standards making the
    manufacture of these devices very long life unit. If you googled you
    would have found this http://auto.howstuffworks.com/catalytic-converter.htm
    Jacko, Nov 5, 2005
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