I messed up big time and I need help!!!!!!!!!

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by elarochelle, Feb 20, 2006.

  1. elarochelle

    elarochelle Guest

    On 13th of Aug 2005 I purchased a 1993 Honda accord from Jasonus R.
    Tillery. Knowing that I was desperate for a second vehicle, he sold me
    what at that time was a 123,000 mile vehicle for $2,000. I was in a
    prior engagement of my wife_s b-day party at the time he informed me he
    had arrived with the vehicle at my apt. Complex. He arrived to my
    apartment complex w/his new born baby and girlfriend. Then ask me for a
    ride back to Newport News, in which I did. All the while completely
    missing the entire engagement. Now, upon purchase he did not have the
    title and told me he would FedEx it to me immediately. He also stated
    he was thee original owner, and told me through text message there was
    damage to the side view mirror. When he arrived at my housing complex
    he then explained about minor damage to the right side bumper and
    fender. He explained that all the damage was in relation to each other,
    stemming from him not paying attention while backing out !
    of a drive way. He did not inform me of a damaged driver side window.
    Nor did he mention a flat front passenger tire. Which I suspect he
    filled with air just before delivery of the vehicle. A week had passed
    and through a conversation on 19th of Aug 2005 I was aware that he had
    cashed the check. In the same conversation he told me he fedexed the
    title on the 16th of Aug 2005 and I should receive it on that day or
    the following. On the 22nd of
    Aug 2005 I tried to contact Mr. Tillery only to leave a message on his
    Phone saying that I feel I have been patient and I feel deceived if I
    do not receive the title by the 26th of Aug 2005 I will be forced to
    take legal action. With that said to date I have not had a response. A
    friend suggested I look on cafax.com to see the vehicles history and
    this is what I found. I was told the following, which I found out, from
    the report and my own mistakes was not true. He was not the original
    owner. The car was not originally a 5spd. It was in an accident. There
    is a problem with the front tire. The engine makes strange noises. He
    does not live in Virginia. The car has a dent on the front right side
    passenger. Now I'm stuck with a car I cant drive and out $2000 that I
    really don't have. This is my statement. Is their any way you can help
    elarochelle, Feb 20, 2006
  2. in
    Sounds like you are F'd. You should never have taken delivery of the car
    without the title. Is this the first time you've bought a car? Basically
    without the title, the car's worthless. First thing I'd do is go to the
    police with the VIN and find out if the car's been reported stolen. If it's
    a stolen car, you're out $2000. The cops take it and you get nothing.

    If it's not stolen, they should be able to look up the previous owner. If
    it's this guy then you need to talk to the District Attorney in your area.
    Basically you gave this guy $2000 and he still owns the car since you don't
    have the title. Did you get a signed Bill of sale to prove that you didn't
    steal it? Well shit, since he has the title, I guess he could report it
    stolen at any time now couldn't he?

    It's been so long, you're probably out of luck. Talk to the DMV about it.
    You need an attorney who specializes in cars to see if you can still get it
    titled, perhaps as a salvaged title. You might have to sell it to a junk
    yard, they get a salvage title on it, then they sell it back to you. Might
    cost a couple hundred if you can find one to work with you.

    To be honest, at this point I'd probably just walk away. Wonder what it's
    worth in parts?

    You pretty much made every mistake it's possible to make in a car purchase.
    It's an expensive lesson but, hopefully you won't repeat it.
    Dufus Systems, Feb 21, 2006
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