i need some help...

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by The De, Jan 29, 2007.

  1. The De

    The De Guest

    Has any one ever taken off the interior door panel before? my window
    is stuck (open) and it's freezing in indiana. can any one assist?
    The De, Jan 29, 2007
  2. The De

    motsco_ Guest


    Are any of the psychics back from the conference yet ? ? ?
    motsco_, Jan 29, 2007
  3. The De

    Elle Guest

    Year and model of Honda, please?

    The resources at
    http://home.earthlink.net/~honda.lioness/id9.html for repair
    manuals have good diagrams to help with this.

    I took off my 91 Civic's inner door panel and a friend's '99
    inner door panel last year without too much trouble. An
    inner plastic seal is present, and one needs to be gentle
    with it to prevent tearing.
    Elle, Jan 29, 2007
  4. The De

    Tegger Guest

    And even if it does tear, it's not a disaster.
    Tegger, Jan 30, 2007
  5. As the others say, model and year are crucial. (It is a Honda?)

    Generally, the door panel is pried away from the metal, starting at the
    bottom. Running a butter knife or thin pry bar around the edge will reveal
    where the keepers are. Twist the knife or pry bar to pop the keepers out of
    the metal part of the door, twisting so the edge nearest the keeper forces
    the panel outward. Look for screw heads (may be covered by camouflage
    buttons) in the arm rest and door handle/latch release areas. When
    everything is loose, the panel probably lifts upward. When we know the model
    and year - also if 2 or 4 door - somebody will have details, I'm sure.

    Once you get the panel loose or off, the window will still be down. For a
    quick patch job you will need to remove the (usually) two screws that hold
    the regulator - the part that moves the window up and down - from the bottom
    of the glass. Push the glass all the way up and have somebody hold it there
    while you wrap duct tape around the channels at each edge of the glass so
    the glass can't come back down.

    Michael Pardee, Jan 30, 2007
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