I put black outs on my Prelude. Now it is probably barely street legal! (@ night)

Discussion in 'Prelude' started by LovingPerson, Jan 15, 2004.

  1. LovingPerson

    LovingPerson Guest

    Dear all:

    Today was another beautiful sunny day! I finally got around to
    placing the blackouts on my car. Now the car looks so bad @ss!! It
    is probably going to be barely street legal now and I will probably
    get about ten tickets in the next ten days! :)

    I have three pictures of the barely legal car (esp. for night
    driving!) See what ya think: Cheers.




    What a gorgeous sunny day to take pictures of a car with

    Sincerely. Dr. Moser
    LovingPerson, Jan 15, 2004
  2. Personally I think it is incredibly stupid to do anything to a car that
    increases it's chances of being in an accident. I'm not sure but I would
    say that decreasing headlight output by putting on blackouts is incredibly

    I'm glad your happy though and I hope other people can see your car when
    they make left turns coming at you. And of course I hope that the innocent
    pedestrian(s) in the crosswalk is/are able to get out of your way since you
    won't be putting out enough light to reflect back to your eyes enabling you
    to see them in front of your car.

    CaptainKrunch, Jan 15, 2004
  3. LovingPerson

    TCS Guest


    Why not pour sand in your car's air intake while you're looking for
    things to lower your car's performance? Won't that be cool!
    TCS, Jan 15, 2004
  4. I don't get it, looks completely stock to me.

    "Life should be like a box of chocolates..... everyone should have their
    expiration date stamped on their foreheads."
    He Hate Retards, Jan 15, 2004
  5. LovingPerson

    froglewis Guest

    bollocks to that - car looks good man! how is it running btw?
    froglewis, Jan 15, 2004
  6. hm... i just have one question.
    I understand why people would want to put tinted windows - that way its
    harder to see inside.
    But why would you put tinted glass on your headlights... wont that make it
    harder to... see outside :)

    And he's right about the sand in the air filter - that way when you're
    driving at night without proper lighting, it'll make it even more exciting
    for you to drive that thing, knowing NOT ONLY u can hit a tree at any time,
    but the car can die on you too - DAT SHIT IS TIGHT YO
    Yuri Nebogatov, Jan 15, 2004
  7. LovingPerson

    TCS Guest

    It's supposed to "look cool", I guess like driving on your rims,
    having your muffler dragging on the ground, having a huge unrepaired dent on
    your door or driving with a huge cloud of choking smoke trailing behind.
    TCS, Jan 15, 2004
  8. LovingPerson

    LovingPerson Guest

    Well, there are blackouts on the car. It makes the car look cool. I
    guess it isn't practical for night driving, is what some folks are
    saying. They are concerned that the pedestrians won't be seen because
    there isn't enough light hitting the pedestrians to illuminate the
    image of the people to my eyes.

    I have thus far not driven at night. I am not sure how practical it
    is to take them off at night and place them back on during the day.
    The previous owner only had them in the summer during daylight savings
    months. I may end up doing that myself. I am leaning towards
    thinking that seeing is more important than look'n coo.

    I don't think that the blackouts decrease performance. I don't see
    how anyone can say that. The car is as fast as ever. So, where is
    the performance decrease? Are you saying that maybe since visibility
    is decreased, I won't be able to take advantage of the car's
    performance? That would make more sense. Saying that it is like
    pouring sand in the engine is a bit off.

    BTW, the car runs like a champ. Unbelievable champ.

    P.s. I just came back from a trip down to Virginia. He just
    purchased a Black Legend GS (230 HP car). It is a hot black car. It
    is parked in my carport right now until he can get the paper work
    through. Lately, my friends and I have been coming across lots of
    cool cars for pretty good prices.

    sincerely, Cheers.
    LovingPerson, Jan 16, 2004
  9. LovingPerson

    AMG Guest

    The bad news - for you - is that it's a well known fact that black cars are
    faster. I read somewhere that the paint heats up and so the airflow is
    more laminar (i.e. less frictional losses)...
    (in virginie, as a matter of fact :)
    AMG, Jan 16, 2004
  10. LovingPerson

    LovingPerson Guest

    Man: I just read my post script below and it doesn't make any sense.
    It was late at night and I had just returned from another car shopping
    trip. This time it was down to Richmond Virginia and it was a 250
    mile round-trip run.

    So, what I was trying to say in the postscript below is that my buddy
    Dr. A was looking for a black Legend GS. I was able to locate one in
    Richmond. We both went down, and just got back from Richmond. The
    long and short of it is that: now there is a shiny Black Legend GS
    sitting in my car port. I will try to take some pictures. I will set
    it up like I have my Lude and the pics will look damn HOT.

    For those of you who know Acuras, the Legend came in three trims: L
    and LS and GS. The GS came with a type II engine, giving it 230
    horses!. It also comes with heated seats and some factory custom rims
    with five spokes (You will be able to see them in the pic that I will
    post). This Legend GS we bought has 160,000 miles and has black
    leather interior (Black on Black). At 230 horses, it gots a six speed
    manual transmission (if you are buying a car of this caliber, you be
    robbing yourself of the driving experience if you bought anything
    different than a manual stick. I know modern day cars may have a step
    tronic or shift tronic, but that is still gays as hell!) This car is
    immaculate and is Mint.

    Now, to some of you 160,000 miles is high, but actually, if you know
    Hondas and Acuras, you know they are good for a long time. My friend,
    Dr. A.'s, current Legend has 312,000 miles and still going strong as

    We would expect this new Legend GS to easily also reach the 312,000 or
    even 400K mile mark!

    Acuras are amazingly built. Too bad that they fudged it up and
    replaced the Legend with the personalityless RL's. Shame.

    Sincerely. Dr. Moser.
    LovingPerson, Jan 16, 2004
  11. LovingPerson

    LovingPerson Guest

    Man: I just read my post script below and it doesn't make any sense.
    It was late at night and I had just returned from another car shopping
    trip. This time it was down to Richmond Virginia and it was a 250
    mile round-trip run.

    So, what I was trying to say in the postscript below is that my buddy,
    Dr. A, was looking for a black Legend GS. I was able to locate one in
    Richmond. We both went down, and just got back from Richmond. The
    long and short of it is that: now there is a shiny Black Legend GS
    sitting in my car port. I will try to take some pictures. I will set
    it up like I have my Lude and the pics will look damn HOT.

    For those of you who know Acuras, the Legend came in three trims: L
    and LS and GS. The GS came with a type II engine, giving it 230
    horses!. It also comes with heated seats and factory custom rims
    with five spokes (You will be able to see them in the pic that I will
    post). This Legend GS we bought has 160,000 miles and has black
    leather interior (Black on Black). At 230 horses, it gots a six speed
    manual transmission (if you are buying a car of this caliber, you be
    robbing yourself of the driving experience if you bought anything
    different than a manual stick. Even modern day shift-tronic or
    homo-tronics are still gays as hell!)

    This GS is immaculate and is Mint. I'll post some pics today.

    Now, to some of you 160,000 miles is high, but actually, if you know
    Hondas and Acuras, you know they are good for forever. My friend,
    Dr. A.'s, current Legend has 312,000 miles and still going strong as
    ever! In fact, I just drove his current LS and it is nice. I may
    even consider borrowing it for a while.

    We would expect this new Legend GS to easily also reach the 312,000 or
    even 400K mile mark!

    Acuras are amazingly built. Too bad that they fudged it up and
    replaced the Legend with the personalityless RL's. Shame. If you
    only knew how good the Legends were, you would not be found dead
    driving the drab RL's (RL is one car that could go automatic because
    it don't gots no character anyways--relative to the Legend GS!)

    Sincerely. Dr. Moser.
    LovingPerson, Jan 16, 2004
  12. LovingPerson

    LovingPerson Guest

    Well, AMG, here is a pic of the Legend, in case you are interested in
    looking at a Smok'n Legend GS!

    Here are four pics:





    Enjoy. Thanks for teaching me about Black cars. I didn't know that
    before ;-). This is why the internet is so cool. There are many
    helpful people who are willing to take the time to dispense out mis

    cheers. Dr. Moser.
    LovingPerson, Jan 16, 2004
  13. LovingPerson

    AMG Guest

    noice.... no, really.... i like it.
    AMG, Jan 17, 2004
  14. LovingPerson

    LovingPerson Guest

    thx. We like it, too. My wife loves the heated seats and loves being
    dropped off at the Base Hospital for work each day.
    :) The car belongs to my best friend. We just got it yesterday.
    It is parked in my carport on my Air Force Base until the paperwork is
    all worked out.

    LovingPerson, Jan 17, 2004
  15. Howcome in the pictures of both the Legend and the Prelude, the cars look
    like they're about to explode?
    Alan J. Claffie, Jan 18, 2004
  16. LovingPerson

    dizzy Guest

    A. They look like shit.

    B. You are a freaking idiot. How old are you, 3?
    dizzy, Jan 18, 2004
  17. LovingPerson

    LovingPerson Guest

    a. you have no aesthetic taste.

    b. you probably drive an idiot car that looks like an okay thing but
    very boring.

    c. why are picking a fight with a three year old? So go home and
    think about that. Think about why you have this perverse need to
    argue with a three year old. You have some serious psychological
    issues and should examine the reasons why you must pick on a three
    year old. You are a bad bad man.

    d. I am three years old, emotionally. But what is your excuse?

    e. As a clever, none-swearing bishop says all the time: go forth and
    multiply. . . with yourself! [Translation: go **** yourself.]

    cheers. Bang.
    LovingPerson, Jan 19, 2004
  18. LovingPerson

    AMG Guest

    a. you have no aesthetic taste.

    b. you probably drive an idiot car that looks like an okay thing but
    very boring.

    c. why are picking a fight with a three year old? So go home and
    think about that. Think about why you have this perverse need to
    argue with a three year old. You have some serious psychological
    issues and should examine the reasons why you must pick on a three
    year old. You are a bad bad man.

    d. I am three years old, emotionally. But what is your excuse?

    e. As a clever, none-swearing bishop says all the time: go forth and
    multiply. . . with yourself! [Translation: go **** yourself.]

    cheers. Bang.[/QUOTE]

    The simple truth is that virtually all the automobile industry revolves
    around making us feel good. If 'looks' were not of importance, I suppose
    all cars would have 60mpg 3 cyl engines and look like Echo's. Before anyone
    tells me I'm being simplistic, tell me why for instance, do so many
    soccer-mom cars have rear spoilers and faux intake vents? In that regard,
    we're ALL 3 year olds.

    Now, if anyone wants to discuss the non-sustainable, un-ecological, socially
    un-ethical distribution of automobile resources (like I really NEED 3 cars
    and 400hp), then by all means speak up. I suppose in the ideal world, we'd
    all be just as impressed by the 'hot' engineering which went into our
    zero-emissions, minimum life-cycle cost vehicle - and of course, it would do
    0-60 in 6 sec or less...

    [translation: i suspect a lot of the criticism is a simple case of 'the pot
    calling the kettle black']
    AMG, Jan 19, 2004
  19. Hmmmm.... why not put black at the whole headlight? Black it out totaly?
    Nigh time you can use night gogles....
    Bye the way... what are you doing on the pics? Digging a hole for the
    municipal water supply pipes?
    Coool man...
    Victor Falkteg, Feb 11, 2004
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