Discussion in 'Accord' started by Dick, Jan 31, 2006.

  1. Dick

    Dick Guest

    I have sprung a leak in y Honda 89 accord. The leak is in a line
    feedinga small approximately 2 inches wide radiator in front of and at
    bumper level to the radiator main one.
    The Manual does not show what function it servs aND THE METAL PIPE IS
    1/2 OR SO INCHES DIAMETER it is a pin hole leack shooting out about 15
    inches from a pinhole in this metal pile feeding a cooling grill about
    2 inches in diameter wity the pipe being fed someplace.

    I bought a radiator aluminum powder stop leakage tube I will install on
    the 31st of Jan. to day is 30 Jan 06

    Any ideas what this line does?
    Dick, Jan 31, 2006
  2. Dick

    jim beam Guest

    oil cooler. replace, don't try repair. visit a junk yard if you can't
    afford new.
    jim beam, Jan 31, 2006
  3. Dick

    TeGGeR® Guest

    It's the power steering oil cooler! If it's leaking you need to fix this
    ASAP, and top up the power steering fluid with ONLY Genuine Honda Power
    Steering Fluid!!

    Don't add any of that shit to your car. Fix the thing right.
    TeGGeR®, Feb 1, 2006
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