Idle Problems in 1990 Accord

Discussion in 'Accord' started by Eric Drew Hollins, Dec 16, 2003.

  1. Ok, 1990 Accord EX manual with 202K miles.

    Ok, the problem was the idle would bounce. It would bounce between
    1000RPMs and 2000RPMs. My mechanic did some magic to where it would
    bounce between 1500 and 2000RPMs. Did more magic and it is now pretty
    much steady at 1100RPMs, but it does fluctuate occaisionally, but it is
    very little. He cleaned out the idle control valve. The thing is now the
    idle won't go below 1100RPMs.

    Now, I found this guy on ebay selling these parts:

    idle control valve
    fast idle thermo valve

    Which of these parts should I get from him to fix my car? Should I get
    both? If not, which one would fix my car? Thanks.


    **** Eric Drew Hollins ****
    **** Georgia Institute of Technology ****
    **** W: ****
    **** C: 404.312.0685 ****
    Eric Drew Hollins, Dec 16, 2003
  2. "Eric Drew Hollins"
    Reset the computer. Pluck the clock fuse.
    Niether. Get a service manual. The service manual shows you how to test the
    fast idle thermo valve with a finger and a screw driver.
    Indian Summer, Dec 17, 2003
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