idle, vent airflow q's -- 2004 accord

Discussion in 'Accord' started by Rob, Aug 9, 2004.

  1. Rob

    Rob Guest

    I've got 5000 miles now on a 4 cyl. EX-L sedan, and have two questions
    that I'm hoping the group can help me with:

    1. When started cold in the morning, my idle sets at 1500 rpm and
    stays there for what seems to be forever. Other cars I own will
    initially set at 1500, but kick down (on their own) to about 1000
    after just a few seconds, then work their way down to proper warm idle
    speed at the appropriate pace (depending on the weather). I asked my
    dealer to look at it at first oil change, and they apparently
    performed an idle learn procedure, but nothing changed. The car makes
    a pretty good jerk when putting into gear at this speed.

    2. We try to only run a/c when we need it (I have the climate control
    system), but when I turn the system off, warm/hot air flows through
    the vents, even on a cool day. I'm used to air coming through that is
    roughly the temperature of the outside air. Is there something else I
    need to do?

    Rob, Aug 9, 2004
  2. Rob

    Paul Stuart Guest

    2. We try to only run a/c when we need it (I have the climate control
    I also have a 2004 Accord EX-L 4-cyl with automatic dual climate control.

    To get the vents distributing air at the same temperature as the outside
    air, but without the A/C, here are the steps you need to follow:

    1) Push the A/C button so that it says, "A/C OFF," in the display.
    2) Push the Mode button consecutive times so that the arrows point where
    you want to direct the interior airflow. For example, if you want cool
    air blowing on your face, select the Mode function with the arrow pointing
    at the upper body.
    3) Turn both temperature knobs so that they are on the cool setting,
    estimated to be cooler than the outside air (if you want cooled air).
    If you keep one knob warm, the overall air would not be quite as cool.

    Rob, I do think that you may be forgetting step 3) above to direct cooled
    air without the use of A/C. These three steps work in my car.

    Paul Stuart, Aug 10, 2004
  3. Rob

    Rob Guest

    thanks so much...I'll give it a try tonight, at it's very cool (low
    60s today for a high) in Minnesota.

    If you have a moment sometime, when you start up your Accord cold,
    please see if it idles at 1500 rpm for an extended length of time...or
    if you just sit there for a (few?) seconds, does it kick down to a
    lower rpm at all...thanks!

    Rob, Aug 10, 2004
  4. Rob

    Rob Guest

    I have the nav system, and there are no temp. knobs...just up/down
    buttons that are blue and red (one set on driver's side, one on
    passenger)...they seem to be inoperable when the system is off.

    Rob, Aug 10, 2004
  5. Rob

    Paul Stuart Guest

    I do seem to recall that my 04 Accord, like yours, occasionally idles at
    about that speed when it's cold. I'm not so sure that it happens all of
    the time though, or when the air temperature is within a certain range.
    When I do gradually take my foot off the gas and pull away, I do get
    a surge of acceleration sometimes.

    I'll keep it in mind over the next few days, and report back to you
    on whether or not this occurs all of the time, and the idle speed.

    Paul Stuart, Aug 11, 2004
  6. Rob

    Paul Stuart Guest

    I do not have the nav system in my Accord, Rob. I am going on my
    intuition here from your set-up, but perhaps a fellow poster with
    an 03-04 Accord nav system would like to confirm.

    When the system is turned off, the automatic climate controls are
    turned off, but the system can be manually set by you. The blue
    shades refer to the cooler temperature setting, and the red shades
    represent the warmer temperature settings. If you keep pushing the
    buttons a few times, it will get successively cooler or warmer
    depending upon the number of blue/red bars on the display.

    The A/C should not be operating at this time, since you first turned
    off the system before selecting the fan speed, temperature, and outlets
    where the airflow is directed.

    I hope this helps you.

    Paul Stuart, Aug 11, 2004
  7. Rob

    Rob Guest

    Paul, thanks again for your responses. I played with it a little last
    night, and think I figured it out. (Still need to consult the manual
    again to see what it says.) If I use the dashboard's Off button, it
    turns off the entire climate control system, and I am not able to
    change temp. settings with the blue or red buttons (this is the
    situation where I was getting hot air thru the vents). However, if I
    go to the touchscreen and turn off the a/c there, it leaves the temp.
    settings up on the display screen above, and then the blue/red buttons
    will turn the temperature numbers down or up, even though the a/c is
    off. (I don't have blue/red bars, just the temp. readings for driver
    and passenger.)

    A little odd, and a few extra steps than I would have thought
    necessary, but I think it takes care of the problem.

    As to that fast idle, it happens to me whenever the car is cold...even
    on these hot summer days. I haven't had the patience yet to sit there
    long enough to see the rpm drop below 1500. However, it does do so
    within a very short period of driving...settle to a nice 700 or so on
    the tach. It just bothers me to shift into reverse with it idling at
    1500 and feel it jump. Does it again when I have backed out of my
    driveway and put it into drive, but after that the car is fine. Just
    trying to figure out if this is normal or not for the Accord.

    Rob, Aug 11, 2004
  8. Rob

    Paul Stuart Guest

    As to that fast idle, it happens to me whenever the car is cold...even
    Hi, Rob. I took notice of my Accord idling upon start-up today, and
    this is what I found.

    In the cool morning hours, after the car has been sitting overnight,
    upon start-up, the idle stayed relatively constant at 1450 rpm for about
    fifteen seconds, then I shifted into reverse, and the idle then dropped
    down to 1000 rpm. Didn't note the idle when driving afterwards.

    After the car was parked in the warm humid sun for a few hours and then
    started, the idle was, at first, 1500 rpm, then over the next 20-25 seconds,
    dropped slowly and linearly to 950 rpm, then stayed relatively constant
    there until I shifted into reverse.

    I'm pleased that you have found out how to direct cool air to the vents
    without the A/C operating. Glad to be of assistance to a new fellow
    member of the Accord family!

    Paul Stuart, Aug 12, 2004
  9. Rob

    Rob Guest

    That sounds pretty much like what I experience. When the car's been
    sitting overnight, if I don't put it into reverse but just sit there
    after I start it, it'll stay at 1500 rpm for longer than my patience

    I guess I just have to get used to the thing jumping when I put it
    into reverse (and then again when I put it into drive a few seconds
    later)when it's cold.

    Rob, Aug 12, 2004
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