
Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by mim, Feb 13, 2004.

  1. mim

    mim Guest


    My 90 Integra Xsi is smooth in the morning for 20min. After it reaches its
    temperature and car warms up, the car idles between 2000 - 3000rpm, it
    doesn't go smooth the car just keeps pulling back. I have to drive my car
    past 3000rpm for it to be drivable. As the car gets warmer it gets much
    worst but only between 2000-3000rpm.

    I have been given the run around by Mechanics, exhaust specialists and auto
    electricians. The Insurance people said it was my distributor bearings. The
    Mechanics said it was 90% my exhaust and that I should see an exhaust
    specialist. The exhaust specialist said it was definitely an electical
    problem. I went to Honda and they said it was definetly electrical. I went
    to an auto elec and he wants to charge me for a distributor and a throttle

    I'm sick of these rort ass incompetent mechanics!!! Common sense wise I'm
    thinking its something as simple as cleaning the throttle body. What do
    people think??

    mim, Feb 13, 2004
  2. Sounds maybe like a vacuum leak that isn't leaking until some metal
    component heats up and causes a separation of parts somewhere. Just my

    If it was an exhaust problem it would be doing it all the time and I don't
    see how an exhaust problem would cause a high idle.

    CaptainKrunch, Feb 14, 2004
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